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"You've agreed to work with them?"

This was the question that Yulian had the moment they returned to the mansion. Rumiel had just finished explaining the plan with the team he would bring with him to the other side and was now relaying the significant details to his dearest cousin.

"We had no choice, they managed to catch one and Sonya needed a sample to work with our weapon smith Isaak, so we can improve our own defense."

Yulian made a face. "This creature hadn't done anything extreme to be taking this too seriously. Why do you feel the need to abide by the condition of that Romanoff bastard?"

Lev, who was also in Rumi's office with Sonya cast the Beta a wry look. "Why are you acting so concerned? Isn't this what you want? With Rumi's gone, you're temporarily taking over the position."

Yulian threw him a deathly glare. "I am the Beta. It is expected of me."

"Precisely. So, why are you pretending that this responsibility is too much for you to bear, acting like you would die without your beloved Alpha---"

A hand exploded and throttled Lev. Sonya shrieked and quickly moved aside but Rumi materialized, hand gripping his cousin's shoulder, "Calm yourself, Yulian."

His fingernails elongated, becoming razor-sharp claws that threatened to dig into Yulian's flesh. The more Yulian gripped Lev's harder, choking him, the stronger his hold. For a moment, Yulian's gaze was locked on Lev. Without mentioning the position, by power alone, Yulian was certainly at the advantage, yet he couldn't inspire fear nor respect from Lev, who continued to defy him whenever the opportunity surfaced.

"You better watch your back. Rumi won't always be there to protect you," Yulian grinned, released the grip and Lev slumped forward, clutching his throat.

Rumi glared at his cousin who kept a safe distance from Lev. "I can count on you to watch over the borders while I'm gone, right?"

"Of course, Alpha. That's why I'm here."

If this was any ordinary day and Rumi didn't feel the need to leave their territory, he would give Yulian a taste of his own medicine. But this wasn't the time to deal with his cousin and his egotistical stance on who was supposed to be the leader. He must first deal with Vinzer Romanoff and then he would return and drill the fact back on Yulian's head.

After laying down the responsibilities to his cousin, he immediately dismissed the meeting since Sonya had to return to the infirmary as well. Except for Lev who glared at Yulian's retreating back, throwing curses deep inside.

"Just concentrate on your part," Rumi had taken note of the agitation and sighed. "I'm telling you, stop antagonizing my cousin."

"I can't believe you came from the same lineage!" Lev's tone was mildly strained but once the tense atmosphere had passed, what was left was the reality of what they were about to face. "Rumi, can we talk about the plan again? Are you sure you don't want the guards?"

Rumi was very tired and felt his head throbbing. "Are you sure you listened to what I told you about the plan?"

"I listened but I'm not comfortable with what you want to happen."

"I told you, didn't I? We're not breaking any rules in that binding contract. But it's a different story AFTER the conditions are met. Do you really think he would let me out of his territory that easy?"

"All the more reason for you to bring some guards."

"They will get in the way of our plan and escape would be messy."

Lev looked at him. "If you think about it....this 'plan' of yours would open a floodgate of mess."

But Rumi's grin only widened when he was reminded of this. He leaned on the chair, satisfied and confident. "Of course it will. That's why we're doing it," he said. "And I can't wait to see the look on his face when he realized that he got served on his own turf!"

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