After that he was kissed by Hua Cheng in some river before solving the case that there was  a fetus spirit responsible for the mysterious killings. It was then that the same merchant who pleaded Xie Lian to help on the case, remembered that you work at the same shrine he was living in.

The merchant sung praises about you, the god in the shrine and Xie Lian without knowing that he was the same god. He exclaimed out loud to the townsfolk that "The servants of the god uphill are skilled! Both of them deserve high praises!"

He was the same merchant that you helped on the market that day, on solving a math problem. That same merchant got bolder when one day, he showed up to Puqi Shrine with ten pretty ladies dressed in high quality robes and face covered in makeup.

"Daozhang, as a thank you, I scouted many beauties across the town and offer them, they can be your wife and concubines as you please. Here are some cowries--"and bla bla bla

Xie Lian happily rejected the girls and said he's not interested in "indulging" yet but accepted the money nonetheless. "Thank you but please, i have no interest in dating for now. Gongzi, please come back next time, i would be grateful to leave them in your care" He was talking about Lang Ying and Guzi.

When the merchant and the beauties left, he slammed the door shut and sigh heavily with Qi Rong cackling in the background.

"HAHAHHA! You should've seen how your pale your face was! Awww~ is someone afraid they're being unfaithful!?" Qi Rong mocked and teased his cousin who was pale as Hua Cheng.

Indeed, Xie Lian is serious on keeping his promises.

"But if you were so faithful then why the fuck would you kiss that Hua- OW!" He got slapped in the face.

Yes, Qi Rong knew what happened that Hua Cheng french kissed Xie Lian.

Xie Lian can't deny it. "Qi Rong, learn when to shut up." It was a good thing when all that incident happened, was a day before the banquet, meaning you were still away.

Qi Rong's current vessel was a mere human, a weak one at that, so he fainted to the ground with how hard his cousin slapped him.

Guzi was playing outside with Lang Ying so Xie Lian calmed down and sat across his own painting, the donation box stuffed full and jar of cowries given by the merchant with many fresh fruits and rice.

When you first met Lang Ying after returning, you didn't hesitate to pat his head and squish his cheeks "Yingying is back~ are you hungry? Let me cook for you" but he awkwardly shook his head, saying he's full.

He was in deep thought, what was his comeback once Qi Rong wakes up? Will he keep on avoiding it, or...perhaps directly tell him that you will be his concubine? No, that feels wrong. Maybe Hua Cheng will be the concubine? Now that feels so wrong.

Xie Lian's head was in turmoil, he loved you and him equally. He can't pick favorites, nor choose. So why can't he marry both?

Speaking of concubines, Xie Lian recalled some memories of his days spent on the imperial harem.

Out of all the 519 concubines, 520 if you include Xie Lian but he's not a concubine. There were top 10 who were favored.

By who? You. But the "favored" part wasn't equal to directly spending nights with them. You favored them because of their skills and looks. Nonetheless you still didn't sleep with them.

If you were to be called "concubine" in the old days, it was a form of insult. Yes it was a normal thing, but if someone were to say it to your face like: "Once you become a concubine, you're nothing. Concubine is just cheap as livestock."

Heaven's Unholy ✧ Heaven Official's Blessing (TGCF) x Genderfluid ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang