Start from the beginning


Sae sighed at the chaos that was happening because of a man who wasn't even present. But he had thought the same thing, especially when adding everything the others said. And his odd behaviour was so out of the ordinary that all of them actually noticed it.

"Hey Sae, ask Ryu where he is right now. Let's go after him!" Karasu suggested—the other three nodding along and looking at him expectedly.

Knowing he no longer has a choice, he sighed once more before reopening his phone and going through his and Shidou's messages. Texting him the same question, he sent it, promptly showing it to his friends to satisfy them, before waiting for the blonde man to reply.

And exactly one minute later, he and the rest looked at the reply. Reading the message, the group found out where their next destination would be.

I'm at an internet cafe
few blocks down xxxx university

"Why the hell is he near our enemy school?" Otoya wondered.

"He likes someone from the other school?" Oliver added.

"Ohhh enemies to lovers, sweet." Karasu commented.

"Just because we play against their team doesn't mean the whole school's our enemy." Yukimiya said, face palming at the other's reaction.

"What do you think, cap?"

"I think we should just go."

Shidou Ryusei knew his friends probably caught up at this point. He cursed at himself for hastily ending the call on Sae— something he admittedly never does. He knew Sae must have noticed way before the others did but knowing the redhead, he could care less unless it's a really serious matter.

Knowing that the five are probably together and adding the possibility of them voicing out how different he had been acting with each of them, he knew the five probably figured it out.

That's why he didn't bother lying about his location— maybe it was time anyway.

Time for them to meet the love of his life— the person he had been admiring from afar. It had been a month now, ever since he started going to the same internet cafe. It had been a coincidence— since he wasn't the type to go to internet cafes in the first place.

Going with Nagi a month ago, in place of Oliver who was originally supposed to go, but cancelled last minute because his best friend needed him, Shidou was the chosen sacrifice to go with the white haired man.

He'd typically deny this type of thing but a few bribes from Reo, who was unfortunately absent at the time, did the trick.

He begrudgingly went with Nagi, cheering himself up by reminding the reward that awaits him. Directing his white haired teammate to the second nearest internet cafe, since the nearest one on their school was closed, he planned on just leaving him immediately after.

But as if fate had different plans for him, a loud voice caught his and Nagi's attention. A woman, seemingly their age, was scolding what seemed like highschool boys while shielding a girl behind her. After a few threats and curses, the boys left and the woman turned her attention to the girl, who Shidou just noticed, was crying.

The woman comforted the girl and told her that if those boys were to mess with her again, she could just call the woman for help. Finally smiling, the young girl nodded as her cries started to ease down.

Once the girl left, Shidou watched as the woman smiled in satisfaction before going back inside the internet cafe to work. Following the woman's silhouette, he finally realized that she was an employee at the internet cafe he was planning to leave Nagi in.

It wasn't the first time he witnessed a scene like earlier—especially after living for so long with his two older sisters and mother—but he doesn't know what it was about that woman that caught his attention.

Breaking free from the trance he was in, Shidou finally noticed how long and hard he had been staring. He brings back his attention to Nagi, as his white haired teammate tells him that he could leave now since Reo would be picking him up once he was done.

Normally, Shidou would just take that and leave without bothering to say any farewell. But right now, he was filled with nothing but curiosity.

And wanting to satisfy that curiosity, he did something he'd never thought he'd do.

"Hey, what were you planning to do again?"

Nagi raises a brow before answering, "Play games... why?"

"Oh yeah? What game?"

"Valo?" Nagi answered but it ended up coming out as a question due to his confusion with Shidou's sudden inquiry and interest. From what Nagi knew, Shidou wasn't that much of a fan of online games. He wasn't even sure if his blonde teammate knew what Valo was.

"Sure sure, come on, let's play together."

Before Nagi could even reply, he was quickly pulled inside by the blonde man.

Hence the start of Shidou's constant visit to that specific internet cafe

Author's Note:
As far as I know, Shidou's family hasn't been mentioned in the manga so in this story he'll have older sisters.

For Kunigami, he's said to have an older and younger sister!

After Hours Series:
GBF "Girl Best Friend" • Aiku Oliver (on-going)

ILY "I Love You" • Shidou Ryusei (on-going)

Coming soon!

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