"So what's with the home invasion?" Klaus asked Stefan. 

"Damon said you knew something about this guy--" Stefan started but was interrupted by Briana. 

"He does. But don't ask him what because apparently it's a huge secret." Briana said with annoyance in her voice. 

Klaus rolled his eyes. 

"I figured he did. I should've known something was up when you healed Elena without asking for anything in return." Stefan spoke knowingly to the hybrid. 

"I was feeling benevolent." Klaus quirkily replied. 

Briana scoffed, "Please." She spoke as Stefan nodded in agreement. 

"Who is this guy? What's the five?" Stefan asked point blank. Briana stood up straight desperately awaiting Klaus' answer. 

"So many questions." Klaus spoke to the vampire who smiled ironically. 

"Well it's a good thing I have nothing else to do today other than get answers out of you." Stefan sat on the couch with a sarcastic grin, "What do you say Bri? Care to join me?" 

Briana smiled sitting across from Stefan shooting Klaus a devilish grin, "Now how kind of you to ask Stefan. I would absolutely love to join you." Briana rose her eyebrows taunting Klaus. 

Klaus let out a sigh of defeat, "Fine." He stepped towards the seated pair, "You might actually be useful in persuading my sister to cooperate." He directed towards Stefan. 

"The brotherhood of the five was a group of highly skilled vampire hunters. We crossed paths with them in the twelfth century. Italy.." Klaus paced as he began to recall his first encounter with the vampire hunters. 

Briana and Stefan listened intently as Klaus explained how bloodshed was leading to vampire being exposed and therefore hunted, and even executed in front of crowds.

"So these hunters.. have been around for 900 years?" Stefan questioned as Klaus sat down throwing an arm around Briana. 

"Apparently.. though our friend in the other room is the first I've seen of them since then. Kind of makes you wonder what they've been up to all these years." Klaus replied. 

"God sometimes I forget you really are ancient." She spoke jokingly as the hybrid gave her a stern but playful look. 

"Watch it..." He trailed forming a small grin upon seeing her playful smile. 

Stefan rolled his eyes as he watched the pair. It was like he was back in Chicago dealing with their nonstop flirting. 

 "And Rebekah had a thing for one of them?" Stefan questioned seriously bring the focus back to the matter at hand. 

"She didn't just have a 'thing.' She fell in love with him. He told her all his secrets. Which I will gladly share with you given you do something for me.." Klaus posed. 

Stefan rolled his eyes knowing this was coming, "And what's that?" 

"Get Rebekah over here. She's being stubborn and hateful--" Klaus explained. 

"Which you deserve after what you did to her but carry on." Briana interrupted with an innocent smile. When Klaus had told her about his fight with his sister, Briana was undoubtedly on Rebekah's side. 

"Precisely why I need to make peace with her." Klaus finished. 

"Thank you." Briana said sweetly as she leaned to give Klaus a kiss on the cheek. Briana had been begging with Klaus to make up with his sister since she had found out about their fight. At the end of the day they are family, and Briana believed family is one of the most important things in the world. 

Dusk til Dawn | n.mikaelson (book one)Where stories live. Discover now