(010) look where we are now

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matt picked her up from the airport.

"chris is sleeping over at sophia's, he won't be home until tomorrow, so you won't see him today." matt reassured.

"okay, thanks." she huffed, feeling like there was an elephant that was lifted off her shoulders.

"matt, is it bad that i feel like this is really bad. like, i'm making the worst decision ever." 

"not necessarily." matt shrugged. "he's not really in love with sophia, you know. he just needs to get over you, but he can't. if they do break up so he gets with you, you'd be doing the both of them a favor."

"but what if sophia genuinely likes him, though?" she asked.

"there were multiple screenshots and screen recordings that were leaked where she was saying she didn't really love chris as much as she's claiming too, it just gives her publicity." matt said.

"oh, god. that's horrible!" she scoffed.

"which is why there's no way he'll say no to you." matt reasoned, "you've been famous long before us, you don't need more followers, or more clout." 


she went straight to nick's room and curled up in his bed.

she clutched her stomach which was hurting like a bitch from how nervous she was.

she claimed multiple times that she was about to throw up, which is why she had 3 trashcans surrounding her incase it actually happens.

they all know it's just her nerves. 

nick came in the room, "chris just got home, he just had a fight with sophia this is the perfect time."

"nick, i don't wanna do this anymore." she fiddled with the sleeves of her hoodie, which she now realized was the hoodie he gave her before going to boston. 

she smelled the collar of the hoodie. still smells like him. 

"too late." nick shrugged, "i told him there's something waiting for him in my room."

before nev could say anything, chris came in. "oh."

"uh- coming, mom!" nick yelled suddenly, running out of the room.

"please listen." she blurted.

"i didn't say anything." he blinked, still in confusion. 

"i didn't want to ghost you, chris."

"then why did you?" he fired back.

"I said listen!" she shot back.

"i was checking my dm's the other day, the day you posted all those tiktoks we made on your insta story."

he nodded, remembering the day very clearly. it was the day she began acting weird.

"the amount of death threats i got was crazy." she said. "i can get over hate comments, but people were actually had it out for me because i was hanging out with their celebrity crush? they kept calling me a slut and a homewrecker. all of this and i was in denial of even liking you! i couldn't imagine what people would say if my crush was obvious. i thought that the best way to put an end to the endless death threats was to cut off the source. which was us. i know i realized 15 days too late that that wasn't the right solution."

"why do you care so much what they have to say?" he asked, voice quieter than usual, "if you really did like me, then you would've stayed by my side."

"i know." she nodded, "it took me a while to realize that. hell, it took me a while to realize that i actually fucking love you."

"what." chris blinked rapidly.

"i love you, chris." she admitted again. 

"and i know that the fact that i'm confessing to you while you're in a relationship means i'll never beat the homewrecker allegations, but i know you chris, and i know that sophia isn't your type. everyone knows it."

"what's wrong with sophia?" he asked, starting to get defensive. 

"you're kidding." she gaped, "she's a mean, basic valley girl! for fucks sake, she doesn't like nick because she thinks he's lying about being gay. she gets into fights with 10 year olds in your comments calling you hot. she's weird, and definitely not your type."

"enlighten me then, neveah." chris laughed, "what do you think is my type? you? girls that leave once they feel threatened?"

"that was way out of line!" she gasped.

"you can't come across the country after ghosting me for two whole weeks, diss my girlfriend, and tell me who i like!" he began raising his voice. 

"you didn't even try to get me to talk to you!" 

"i called you 42 times, i sent you 112 text messages on every single messaging platform i have you on. how could you tell me i didn't try?" he scoffed, "you didn't even want to try. you didn't want to try to be in a relationship with me because of fans? who gives a fuck about them?"

"i do!" she yelled, "when they threaten to dox me, and kill me, and do all kinds of things to me, that's when i start giving a fuck. i took the easy way out in a difficult situation, you can't get too mad at me for that. i am trying!" 

"you should leave." he shook his head. 

"what?" she blinked.

"this is so low." he said, "would've never expected this from you." 

"i was being doxxed, you idiot, what was i supposed to do? put my life at risk so i could MAYBE date a guy?" she asked. 

"you could've talked to me."

"that would've made it harder for both of us!"

"look where we are now." he groaned, "you think this is better than you just talking to me?" 

"i think i thought you'd be mature enough to realize that this was the right choice." she scoffed, grabbing her single tote bag she brought with her and opened the door.

nick and matt were sitting on the floor, listening to their fight. when they locked eyes with her, they turned beetroot red.

"bye guys." she smiled softly before speed walking out. 

"where the fuck am i gonna go now." she huffed.


why am i lowkey very interested. 

𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐌𝐘 𝐍𝐄𝐂𝐊, chris sturnioloOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora