chapter 6

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"There was an intern, Rebecca. At first, she was brilliant, always doing her tasks on time, and flawlessly. But soon her work deteriorated, you could just sense something was amiss with her. She kept to herself now, unlike before. She would flinch when someone touched her and sometimes you'd notice bruises on her, cuts, scrapes, anything and everything from cuts to burns, she had it. Her only response was that she was clumsy. Those injuries were not because of being clumsy. You know?" I looked at Noah but he just nodded. I thought he would be on his phone or something, just barely listening. But know all his attention was on me. He waited patiently for me to continue, not stopping me but silently encouraging me.
" So after trying and trying to get her to open up, she finally did and told me about her boyfriend. He was abusive and controlling and hell-a scary-
" Did he ever hurt you?" Noah growled, anger and some other emotion I couldn't name evident in his eyes.
It made me feel things I had no right of feeling.
" Ye- no." I answered quickly. Remembering Jacob and that night, it still haunted me, but I pushed away the thoughts not wanting to tell Noah, so to hide it from Dom.
"Are you sure?"
"Fuck yes, I think I would know if someone hurt me, thank you very much." I snapped at him.
Shit, I shouldn't have done that.
"I'm so- when I turned to look at him, his lips were tilted up in that sexy smirk, no not sexy get it together girl you're better than this.
" Why are you laughing?" I asked instead of apologising .
" I'm not."
"Yes you are."
"Sorry, but what happened next?"
" I got Rebecca into a shelter, far away from the area she lived in. And started the procedure for the restraining order and name and social security number changes and now she is living her best life somewhere in the North of England."
"That was very you , you know?" Noah said.
"I guess." I shrugged. It was very me, jumping to help others without realising the dangers in it for  me.
" Ok given, Rebecca is hidden, restraining order is filed etc. but how are you the one Jacob is threatening, how did he know you were Rebecca' s lawyer and helped her escape?"
" Fun fact I don't actually know." Not really true, but I can't tell him right now can I?
Just the thought about telling  him the truth made me get up and leave, when i never wanted to leave hi side. But I couldn't tell him not yet, maybe not ever
"Good night" I said and got up
"Wait" he called but I ran to my room and locked the door.
I knew I was safe with Noah, that he wouldn't do anything, wouldn't let anything happen to me, but this was for my piece of mind.


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