"What he means to say is that we're very grateful, just help them and we'll leave," Hayley said as she looked into Vincent's eyes pleadingly.

"Just give us what we need, and we will do so, happily "Elijah said to him, standing from his crouching position between his nieces, Vincent nodding in agreement before making his way over to the two.

"Excuse me."

"Okay." Vincent spoke softly as he rubbed his hands together. "Nettoyer timoun sa a. Nettoyer timoun sa a. Nettoyer timoun sa a. Nettoyer timoun sa a. Nettoyer timoun sa a." Soon after he was finished chanting he touched their temples and the two girls both awoke.

"Mom?" Hope called out, while her sister sat up looking around. Hayley quickly walked over to the two girls as Vincent stood, pulling them into a hug.

"That's it. The little girls are purified." Vincent told them, walking away as Klaus thanked the man, "No look, the only gratitude I need from any of you is seeing you leave the city." Vincent spoke as he held his hands up in a gesture before going to walking out.

"Go see your daddy." Hayley encouraged Hope as she helped her stand. Hayley held Judith for a few seconds as she watched Hope.

The younger Mikaelson began walking towards her father only for a dead crow to drop down infront of her, this causing Hope to whir around and Judith to become spooked as she jumped in Hayley's arms.

"Judith!" Hope called out. The girl quickly let go of Hayley and rushed over to her little sister and pulled her into a protective hug, as more crows began to fall rapidly and in a larger amount than before, forming a huge but perfect circle around the two. Hayley rushed to them, pulling both girls into her just as the crows stopped.

"What is this?" Klaus asks angrily, looking over at Vincent.

"I don't know." Vincent answered honestly, looking at the two girls and the dead crows that had fallen all around them.

"Mom? Can you hear that? It's whispers. Saying a name. Over and over. 'Kre Nah Han, Kre Nah Han.'"Hope spoke, as she looked around where the crows had come from while she tried to find the location of the whispers she and clearly Judith too were both hearing. Except the two little girls were the only ones that could hear it.

"Vincent, what is that?" Hayley questioned, looking up at him in worry.

"It's a nearly forgotten dialect. It's Creole. It means The Hollow. The Hollow is coming."

That blue hue from the other day appeared, almost like a calling but only this time Judith was the only one who could see it.

"How do you feel?" Elijah asked, tucking some hair behind Judith's ear as he stared down at her in concern.

"I'm so cold," Judith answered. The girl tried to sit up, but was gently pushed to lay back down.

"Where's my sister? Is she okay?" She asked, looking at her uncle who held her hand in his own.

"Yes. Yes she is gonna be fine, sweetheart. She's resting in the other room down the hall," Elijah told the young girl, a soft smile on his face something, one she mimicked herself.

"Miss H-Hayley said you and dad love New Orleans most of all, " Judith recalled and Elijah nodded, as this was true once.

"Yes we did. Like our first true love. We once thought that it was, but now we've matured in the sense that now makes putting your love into a place instead of the people you have in it is asinine," Elijah explained to the small girl, who simply smiled as she held onto every word he said.

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