Chapter 1 - What a fool I was!

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A day has passed since Tenma's abduction. Saru was asleep all this time, and Enma, who woke up the day before, was sitting next to him. He blamed himself for allowing his father to be stolen in front of him....

— Listen, Enma, it's not your fault... — Allen came up to him. — What makes you think that it's only your fault? In any case, if you blame it, it's only us all. We were there, but there was nothing we could do about it...

— Yes, you may be right, but... my task was to protect and protect him, however I...

— You're overburdening yourself! — A kid with long gray-blue hair who had just come up said.

— Ethman... Maybe you're right... — But I still...

— Allen, it's going to take a long time. — He said, Ethman. — We need to bring him to his senses somehow. I don't think the blame is entirely on him... however... when that guy took Tenma away, I felt very angry and... —The boy with purple eyes clenched his fist on his right hand and wanted to hit him against the wall, but.

— I don't think that's the way out. — Allen said, slowing down the guy's hand.

— Ethman...He was always following me, guarding me....It feels like we could be brothers. —Enma thought to himself, smiling at the boy while looking at Ethman.


After a while, Saru woke up.

—You're finally awake, son. — My father came into the room.

— Father? —! Saru didn't quite understand where he was, however, he quickly recalled past events and jumped up abruptly. — Father, where is Tenma! —I asked Saru of my father.

— This, I wanted to ask you, what's going on Saryuu? —Arem asked in a serious tone.

— Alas, I do not know who these types are ... — replied Saru spreading his hands.

—This must be Syuusan Alay, the leader of the Scarlet Constellation gang. —Giris said.

— What's going on Giris? Why am I not aware of this! —I asked Saru, my friend, sharply.

— For your information, we started a project with the awakening of Second Stage Children genes in ordinary people, long before you did it yourself. —Giris said, adjusting his glasses.

— Did you do this without my knowledge? —Saru was indignant.

— Yes...Vanfeni came up with part of the plan, and I just supported this idea. Since you are our leader, they decided to take revenge on you. For what you allegedly did to them. — Spread his hands, Giris. — You must have seen at least one of those children, Mr. Arem. —Giris asked Evan's father.

— Yes ... — the father answered briefly.

— Most likely, it was our failed experiment. Despite the fact that Alay is the strongest and most believable. However, he completely fell into darkness. Giris replied.

— That's right. He couldn't control his new powers. — The father of the Evan family was taken away.

— In the end, they decided to take revenge on me, just because they think that I, as a leader, was involved in this? — Huh, if you think about it that way, now yes... — Saru sighed, he looked guiltily at his father. — It turns out that in the pursuit of evolution and the destruction of people, I did not catch up to my own organization. I understand their anger... However, revenge does not give them the right to attempt on my younger brother!

— Have you found their base yet? — Saru asked his father.

— Unfortunately, not ... — Arem replied, looking at his eldest son.

— I see... — Saru said, lowering his gaze to his bed. However, he abruptly stopped his gaze at the drooping Enma. — It's not your fault. Saru said, looking at Enma.

The boy heard Evan talking to him and looked up at him.

— But I had to protect him! Aren't you mad at me? —Enma said, pointing at himself with his right hand.

— That would be too stupid.... Considering that the main fault lies with me. – I think it would be stupid to blame someone else for your own fault.

—Yes, but still... — Said Enma, a small tear fell from his eyes onto his knee. — I couldn't protect someone who is very dear to me...

— Never mind. —Saru said, getting up from the bed. He walked over to Enma and hugged him. — I really don't blame you, if I blame anyone, it's only myself! After all, as an older brother, I had to protect my younger brother. And what I've been doing all this time. So, it was hurting him, one by one.

Enma looked at Saru hugging him and felt the warmth coming from the boy. The warmth that he was hiding, under the cover of darkness, was growing. —I think Tenma would be glad to see you like this. —Enma said, looking at Saru and wiping his tears.

— Eh? Are you sure about this? —Saru asked in surprise.

— Yeah! You no longer have the terrible darkness that you had before. —Enma smiled.

— What are you talking about? —Saru's father was surprised.

— This is one of Enma's abilities. —Ethman said.

— And you? Saru's son, right? — The father clarified, looking at the guy.

— That's right. —Ethman replied.

— Tell me, who is the chosen one of my eldest sons? —Arem asked with interest.

— I do not know myself ... all I remember is the face of my father, but the face of my mother, I do not know ... — Said the Chieftain, when suddenly he saw someone smiling darkened silhouette. A smile that radiated a warm light, and beckoned the boy to himself... Ethman: ... . — What was it just that happened? —The boy was surprised.

— Is everything all right? —Arem asked Ethman.

— Yes, I'm fine. I'm sorry to bother you. — This silhouette...For some reason, it reminded me of Enma's smile...



Finally, I wrote the first part of the second season. The next part will be with Tenma and we can finally find out how he is. Is it just me, or does Saru look like himself in this chapter?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 08 ⏰

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