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A/n~ Season One finale time!

As Visenya descended upon Braavos on the back of her dragon, the Cannibal, the city below seemed to shrink in comparison to the awe-inspiring creature she rode. The dragon, with scales as black as coal and vibrant green eyes, exuded an air of power

The Sealord of Braavos, accompanied by his household guard, stood waiting at the docks to greet Visenya. As she landed gracefully, the Sealord's initial reaction was one of surprise mixed with arrogance. "How dare the King send a child to negotiate with the Free City of Braavos?" he scoffed in Braavosi, his tone dripping with condescension.

Visenya felt a surge of anger rise within her, the urge to snap back at the insult almost overwhelming. But she knew that she needed to maintain her composure and demand respect. With a deep breath, she pushed aside her wounded pride and responded calmly but assertively.

"I may be young, Sealord, but I come representing the might and authority of House Targaryen. My father, the King, entrusts me with this task, and I assure you that I am more than capable of negotiating on behalf of our great house," she replied back, also in Braavosi, which seemed to shock the Sealord and his advisers.

They didn't need to know it wasn't her father's orders and that he laid in a coma across the Narrow Sea, not yet anyway.

Her voice carried a strength that belied her age, and her eyes met the Sealord's with unwavering determination. She refused to let his words diminish her purpose or undermine her position.

The Sealord, taken aback by Visenya's composed yet forceful response, paused for a moment. He looked at her, truly seeing her for the first time, recognising the fire in her eyes and the power she held as a dragonrider.

"Very well, Princess Visenya," he said in the common tongue, his tone now tinged with respect. "If you have the confidence of your father, then I shall give you the respect you deserve. Let us proceed with the negotiations and discuss the matters at hand."

Visenya nodded, acknowledging the Sealord's change in attitude. She knew that gaining respect in the cutthroat world of diplomacy required both strength and tact. With the Sealord's acknowledgment, she felt a newfound determination to represent her house with grace and skill.

As they began to walk towards the halls of Sealord of Braavos' mansion, Visenya's mind focused on the task ahead. She would not let her youth or gender be obstacles in her quest to safeguard the future of House Targaryen.

Inside the grand halls of the Sealord's mansion, Visenya found herself surrounded by the esteemed advisers of Braavos. They sat around a large table, their faces etched with skepticism as they awaited her negotiations. With a calm confidence, Visenya began to lay out her proposals, discussing trade agreements and alliances that would benefit both Braavos and House Targaryen.

Visenya cleared her throat, addressing the Sealord and his advisors. "Your Excellency, esteemed advisors, I thank you for granting me this opportunity to discuss matters of great importance. House Targaryen seeks to establish a strong alliance with Braavos, one that will bring prosperity and mutual benefit to our great lands."

The Sealord leaned forward, his gaze fixed on Visenya. "Princess Visenya, we are interested to hear what you propose. Speak freely, for we value honesty and transparency in our negotiations."

Visenya nodded, her voice steady and confident. "Firstly, I wish to express the gratitude of House Targaryen for the warm welcome and hospitality I have received in Braavos. I am impressed by the strength and resilience of this city, as well as its vast trading network."

One of the advisors interjected, his tone skeptical. "But what can House Targaryen bring to the table? Your family's power has diminished slightly over the years."

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