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▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃Why the fuck would I join  if you're holding my friend  hostage?" Katsuki growled, his hands popping

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▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃Why the fuck would I join  if you're holding my friend hostage?" Katsuki growled, his hands popping

Katsuki considered you a friend..? thats new..

"Fine!" the grip tightned, causing you to move around in the chair, wanting to scratch at his pale hand. Soon enough , your eyes began to roll to the back of your head, which was when he had let go, causing you to cough and wheeze . It was certain that purple bruise planning to make room on your neck soon.

Grabbing your left leg, the man rolled up your grey fleece sweatpants bottom , placing all five fingers down, the skin beginning to disappear  as you beg for him to stop, the work in physical therapy being taken away within seconds.

"S-Stop it!" katsuki yelled , trying to lunge at the man, yet Dabi moved quickly , pinning the boy  away from you. He wanted .. no , needed to help you.

The leauge knew what they were doing; destroying the same leg that already had damage, in turn of taking you out the way for their next  big attack on 1a, or simply future plans in general. Obviously, they researched you and planned this attack since you arrived at UA.

Your blood curdling screams  hurt the blonde. He was a hero in training, yet couldnt help his friend. The one person he truly was willing to call a friend without embarrassment, at that.

"Pizza for delivery!" a gruff voice came from the door, followed by knocking.

Everyone stopped, looking at one another, confused on who ordered pizza so early into the plans they set.

Before anyone could move, The door blew down and off the hinges, Pro heros, including Woods and All might being revealed.

"I am here!"

Shigaraki backed up from you, pushing your chair over, it breaking in the process. Clearly, the man had accidentally disintegrated some the chair as well.

"Katsu!" you groaned, the boy running to your aid, taking off the rope, although he didnt have the keys to the handcuffs, keeping your quirk from working.

"Tch, we didnt need your help, Allmight!" Bakugo groaned, but it was evident he was very grateful for the man, so were you. Katsuki wouldnt have been able to protect you, as well as take down all the villains without backup.

It had been so chaotic, you haven't even had s chance to go see your uncle so seeing him in action always made you happy, especially since you havent been up close since you were little.

"HAHA its okay to be afraid, young Bakugo! You silly villains will be stopped today!" All might declared, Kamui woods sweeping in and grabbing the villains before they could portal away.

"Your leg! We must get you checked out, young Y/N!" Allmight  saw pink and red flesh, mixed with the blood that dripped down your leg .

"Master... Lend me your power!" The blue haired man yelled, portals of thick black goo forming around both you and Katsuki, as well as the villains.

"MmmHMM!" your screamed became  muffled, the goo swallowing you whole and plopping you to a battle field.

Around you, the ground had been broken up, it being evident that buildings had been torn down, all turned to rubble. Bakugo had dropped from a small distance  to the ground, hitting it with a thud , other villains  dropping down and around you, sinister looks on their faces. They knew you were to try to escape now.

Although  it was a struggle, with Bakugo's help, you were able to stand up, kicking sway villains and hitting them with the handcuffs, Bakugo blowing them away with explosions.

By this point, you were  running on purr adrenaline, fighting to stay alive. Afterall, you're a hero! You had s gut feeling you wouldn't live for another day if you didn't fight back

"L/N, Bakugo! Up here!" You heard , watching your classmates fly in the sky, a hand out.

Running, you knew you needed Katsuki to grab you. as your quirk did not work , although he seemed to catch on as he wrapped his arm around your torso, sending quick firey blast to the ground as he lifted into the night sky.

He smells good... Carmel?

" We didnt need your help, shitty hair!" Katsuki were a crazy smirk, his words going against his expression

After a landing, you groaned, the adrenaline officially wearing off.

" Thanks for that, guys... But i cant really walk...." you mumbled, refusing to let Katsuki let go of you.

"L/N!  We must get you to a hospital! As well as get those handcuffs off of you!" Iida did his signature hand movement.

"Ill be fine... Let me watch Uncle Might fight." you groaned, forcing Katsuki to walk with you, surprisingly bo objections comjng from him. He knew how close you two were and  knew this was important to you.

"B-But , your leg!" Kiri brought up, the pink and red flesh getting to him

"Kiri, ill be fine until the fights over... Please." you begged.

"She's s-stubborn.. She won't listen to us." Izuku sighed. He knew you were just like him. It didnt matter if you were injured. You lived too much in a hero complex to care, which made sense being all the missions and stuff you've done since the age of 13, making it year 2 of being a hero, almost 3. Even  though you've been in the field for a while, you were still a kid , in a teenage mentality, which of course came in the way alot, although seemingly you were doing good.

the boy hesitated, but nodded, leading you both over to where Momo was, watching the fight in the big screen.

"Oh dear, L/N!  We must get you medical attention!" She exclaimed, making a key in order to unlock your hands.

"Thank heavens for your quirk !" you sighed relied, ignoring her plead for you to get help .

im the number 16 hero and i look like a bitch

Looking at the screen, Allmight held his fist up, signifying he won, the crowd holding their breath under the tension

"He-n-no!" you screamed, tears falling down your face.

Its my fault....

Genie| K. Bakugo {REWRITING}Where stories live. Discover now