"Laura's house she text me asking if I wanted to go over" Zoe explains to the man she sees as another brother

"Ok, just be careful ok?" Han asks receiving a nod from the were-coyote tribrid, he kisses her forehead "Bye" he says as the girl grabs her keys and walks out the door

"Bye" she responds before getting into her car and driving to Laura's

Laura's pov

Hearing Zoe's car I turn to Derek "Hey, wanna see a really cool car?" I ask him

Derek nods eagerly "Yeah!" he exclaims

We all stand up walking out of the house seeing Zoe's car pulling up, once she's parked she climbs out pulling her sunglasses off and placing them on her head, shutting her door

Derek runs up to her and hugs her legs getting a wide eyed panicked look as she hold her arms slightly in the air "Erm hello small human..." she trails off awkwardly causing me, mom, Peter and Cam to chuckle

"Your car is awesome" Derek practically sings which causes Zoe to relax as she picks him up surprising me, Peter and Camden knowing it usually takes a while for her to relax around people

"What's you name pup?" she asks looking at him

"Derek" he says with a smile, already growing attached to the girl

Talia looks at us "You told her?" she whispers confused knowing we don't tell anyone

"Well they know about me so..."Zoe trails off now looking at mom all softness gone and she's tense again with the classic blank Zoe Toretto look "besides they didn't tell me I could smell it" she finishes as Derek cuddles into her and she looks at him her whole face softening showing that she also already has a soft spot for my little brother

"What are you?" Talia questions confused considering she can't smell anything from the girl

Zoe looks at her friends with a raised eyebrow silently questioning 'can I trust her?' which mom notices, we all nod and Zoe puts Derek down before walking over "Honestly no idea" she starts seeing mom's confused look she finishes "i'm adopted, ergo I have no idea what I am" she states "all I know is i'm part werewolf, part coyote and part witch" she says before smiling "Zoe Toretto, pleasure i'm sure"

Normal pov

After hearing the were-coyote tribrids last name Laura's mother's eyes widen slightly causing Zoe to narrow her eyes becoming even tenser because although she likes her new friends and Derek, she will protect myself if necessary

"Talia Hale" she says with a smile relaxing hearing my last name

That name rings a bell but she can't think so she just stares at the woman

"Something tells me Zoe has heard about her or something if the look on her face is anything to go by" Elijah states concerned for his niece much like the rest of the family

Before it clicks and realisation dawns on Zoe's face which the others, apart from Derek who is still looking at her car, notice

"What is it?" Laura questions confused seeing the girl who quickly became her best friend staring at her mother with something on her face she can't place

"You knew my dad didn't you?" she questions the woman softly, Talia nods smiling at the girl warmly, while the other three teenagers watching eyes widen at the revelation

"How did you know?" The alpha questions with the same softness

Zoe chuckles softly "He always talked about his best friend Talia and how you would've loved me and my siblings" she says smiling softly at the thought of her pops

"He has more kids?" Talia questions softly

Zoe nods "My oldest brother Dom, then my other older brother Jakob, then my older sister Mia then he adopted me" she says

"Did he know what you are?" Talia questions Zoe nods although confused "Why didn't he come to me I would've helped" she asks mostly to herself

Zoe shrugs "Probably so no one found out about me cause with my family being human i'm hardly ever on hunter radar" she says

Talia nods hugging the girl who stiffens before slowly relaxing already feeling like she can trust the woman. Peter, Laura and Camden watch the interaction and share a look all smiling softly hoping that Zoe will feel a bit more at home now.

"That explains the car" Talia says pulling away with tears in her eyes chuckling softly "Jack always had a thing for cars" she says smiling fondly at the memories of her best friend promising herself there and then she will keep his baby girl safe

Zoe nods turning to look at her car and Derek walks to stand next to her "Me and pops built her, but we didn't get to finish so I finished it by myself" she says "900 pounds of Detroit muscle" she states proudly

"I would ask about your siblings but I saw you were all wanted" she says giving Zoe a motherly look which takes her aback never having seen one directed towards her before

Zoe shrugs "It was for Dom" she states while her friends look at her wide eyed not having this conversation yet

"You were wanted?" Camden asks sitting in the steps of the Hale house the other teenagers following suit while Talia and Derek walk back inside giving them some privacy

Zoe nods "Started off breaking Dom out of prison then only escalated after we robbed some dude in Rio, the found out Letty was alive but didn't remember us but she does now so we tore apart half of London to get her back, then made top 10 most wanted list, but then we got our records clean, hence how i'm able to be in the country" she explains briefly

"Just when I think you couldn't get any hotter" Peter mumbles under his breath but having super hearing the Toretto girl hears

"Oh really?" Zoe questions looking at Peter with a smirk on her face, Laura and Camden laugh at the interaction

The Hale boy's eyes widen slightly and he blushes forgetting they could all hear him "I-um-urm" he stutters "shut up" he says when they all just laugh

After a while the four teenagers retreat to the house going to the living room to watch a movie and they start arguing, the girls wanting to watch grease and the boys wanting to watch back to the future but eventually the girls win the argument and get the boys to watch grease

Throughout the movie Zoe and Laura sang the songs which annoyed but amused the boys.

"They're good for her" Davina states softly just happy her daughter is happy

"Yeah they are" Klaus agrees softly 

Authors not:

Short chapter sorry!

Always and Forever (Teen wolf x The originals x Fast and furious, Peter Hale)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें