
12 4 0


•~• you stole my heart, my eyes, my thoughts.., now the only thing left is my last name •~•



It was early in the morning, no one was in the hallways yet, so Jisung had time and was able to quickly get the letter in through the slots in the locker and quickly walked away, but didn't notice the boy around the corner who was just coming out of the bathroom and looked after him with a raised eyebrow.

" I am so hungry!" Felix whined while the teacher assigned tasks at the front and others were busy taking notes except, of course, Felix. "We're almost free, don't worry," Jisung whispered and moved his hand over the paper, writing a bunch of letters next to each other.

"And please don't forget to explain what the artist wants to express through his art!" The teacher finished his sentence and then sat down in his chair. "What are you supposed to understand about that? It's just a bunch of lines! I don't even know what you're supposed to see from it!" whisper-shouted Felix, slapping a hand against his forehead.

Jisung couldn't help but laugh, but was immediately admonished by the teacher. Felix, not knowing that the teacher was watching him, took a pen and tried to balance it on his nose. It actually worked and he nudged Jisung so he could see it. "Felix, please give an example of what you see in the art, since you participate so well"
Startled, the pen fell down and drew a line on his cheek, identical to the art they were studying, and landed on the floor.

With pink cheeks he stood up and cleaned his throat. He stood as if he were about to announce his candidacy for mayor to the world, hands folded together, back straight with a delighted smile. When Jisung realized this, he had to suppress his laughter and pressed his hand over his mouth.

"I recognize in this wonderful and important art that there are lines stacked on top of lines with a line in the middle through a center of a center of a corner of the line of a center from a line which is crossed with another lines through centers." Felix babbled and beamed as if what he was saying was something completely normal, while a question mark appeared on the faces of his classmates and even of the teacher.
" sit down, Felix" said the teacher, shaking his head and smiling amused.

In the meantime, Minho sits in math class and reads the sentence over and over again. It was very cheesy but somehow he liked it. The girl's personality was extremely sweet, which made him want to know what she looked like even more. probably like her character.

He looked around the room and scanned everyone, it could be one of them. Maybe he shouldn't wait for her to show herself, but rather go hunting for her, hunt her until he finds her.



I wanted to apologize for disappearing almost 5 weeks, I was really stressed about school
Wednesday I have math exam and the next week three important ones. They go two hours per exam
ˢᵒᵐᵉᵇᵒᵈʸ ⁱˡˡ ᵐᵉ

Did ya drink enough today? Don't forget to eat! <3


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