Charley: "Yes, my birthday. Why do you ask?" She replied as she placed her crate on the table.

Throttle: "Could you please give us guys a clue to what you like? It would help us guys out as to what to get you for your birthday."

Charley smiled and eased a little of her sass, they really could be really sweet when they put their minds to it.

Charley pulled out a picture of her as little girl, with her grandmother. In her hand was her favourite book of fairy tales in a blue cover with a blue castle on the front. Throttle looked thoughtful, Modo smiled caringly at her, while Vinnie looked confused at her. He thought she wanted a new toolbox or maybe a welding torch? A book? A Fairy Tales book? He tried not to snigger, but he couldn't help himself. Charley felt hurt, placing an arm across herself. Modo came up behind Charley.

Modo: "I'm sorry for Vinnie, Charley Ma'am. If that's what you want for your day, we'll get it. May I borrow that picture please?" Modo gave Charley a gentle hug, in reassurance.

Charley wiped the small tears from her cheeks, straightened up and looked up at Modo.

Charley: "Yes of course, you could come by later to drop off the photo, that would be great." She turned her angry glare towards Vinnie. "As for you Vinnie, I expect an apology later from you, Got it!"

Vinnie nodded in agreement, only easing some of Charley's anger. Charley left the guys to their 'Macho Stuff' and head home to the Last Chance Garage. She turned towards the nearest supermarket and passed by one of the clothing stores she had her eye for a while. Parking up, she gazed up at the dress in the window, an Emerald green, spaghetti strapped and sparkling. She went in the dress store and bought it along with going into the supermarket for her groceries. Once filled with a little sadness, now her mood lightened, she headed home.

On the other side of town, the bros searched all over for her book, but failed so far. They discussed where to look next, whilst pulled over for a quick fuel break. Throttle could feel the tension between modo and Vinnie, finally Vinnie caught up to what he did wrong. He had an idea on how to make it right. He remembered there was a book shop near to the train station, they could try there. Vinnie apologised to his bros, and told him his idea, throttle agreed. After some time, they got what they wanted.

When they arrive back at base, Modo and Throttle had notice Vinnie had gone a little bit quieter than usual. This was not like their bro at all. Maybe he liked Charley?

At the garage, Charley worked on her bike, watched a few TV shows she'd recorded, before taking her frustration out on doing some cleaning in the garage from a leaking break flued. In the distance, not knowing Vinnie was on his way with the present he brought her and his heartfelt apology.

Vinnie POV: 'I messed up, Damn it! Please Charley, forgive me for being so stupid.' He thought to himself, as he pulled into the garage.

He heard movement coming down her back stairs, it was Charley. She kept at a distance from him, not moving from the doorway to her kitchen. He got off Sweetheart slowly as to not upset her, or scare her off. Charley broke the awkward silence.

Vinnie: "Hey Charley, I need to talk to you." He asked softly, keeping his hands by his sides.

Charley shrugged with snarky expression. She looked down at her feet, replying to him.

Charley: "What do want Vinnie? Come to laugh at me some more?"

Vinnie approached carefully, taking her hands into his and looking into her dreamlike dazzling green emerald eyes. He licked his lips in nervousness, he felt lost in them. Shaking his head, bringing him back to reality.

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