Introduction :)

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Hello and welcome to Snowfalls!
This is a book written from an idea I had 2-3 years ago but unfortunately never had the motivation + time to write. However, as you are now reading it, I'm happy to say I've finally managed to write it:) *major happy noises*
I honestly just hope you guys enjoy it!

DISCLAIMER: This is all fictional.
Anything related to events in real life or whatsoever
are purely coincidental. With that said, it won't also fully match up in real life nor be perfectly accurate^^ (e.g Jaemin has 3 cats irl but in this story he only has one:) *whoops was that a spoiler?*)

Please read this book with awareness and an open mind that this is just fictional & not real!

(Ik we wanna be delulu sometimes but let's be respectful with our comments & interactions as well nonetheless as they are REAL-life people after all:) — gently speaking>-> *basically feel free to express but do it respectfully hihi^^*

That's all folks XD

P.S please watch out for the pill-ings (pft)
you'll get while reading this.
and ofc collect your delulu pills here
before you go ;)
- your major delulu author 💌
(I'm just joking ily all
please don't come at me this is just a joke😭🤍)

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