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Baelon stood in the Sept of Remembrance, his fists clenched at his sides as he stood between the bodies of his grandfather and his brother. A week ago Baelon was the heir to nothing, set to be the simple Lord of a keep he'd never visit due to his eventual duties as Hand of the King. Yet now he was set to be heir to the Iron Throne and King Regent in his father's name.

Maekar was in a coma, the Grand Maester and his Kingsguard managing to save him before he succumbed to the wound. Baelon's siblings, Rhaegar and Moira arrived in the capital yesterday with Aegon's wife and children, and Baelon's own child, Viserys.

The funeral for Baelon's grandfather, Viserys and his brother, Aegon were set to take place in three days, with hope in that time that Maekar would awake from his coma to lead the ceremony.

Alicent, Baelon's mother, was beside herself in grief. Her children and grandchildren hadn't seen her in days. Alicent had locked herself in the chambers she used before her marriage. She simply couldn't face seeing her husband in a coma or her eldest child's dead body at the moment.

"Your brother is dead, and your father lays mortally wounded," Ser Otto announced his presence. He came and stood next to his second eldest grandchild. He wouldn't lie and say he was close to them. But he loved them all. They were his blood. "Do you know what that means?" Baelon knew the answer, but he knew speaking it would make the situation more true. "I'm not trying to trick you."

"I know that, I just wish not to think of it," Baelon said softly, holding his brother's hand.

Baelon's mind drifted back to a time when the weight of responsibility hadn't yet settled upon his shoulders, and the world seemed full of endless possibilities. He remembered the days when he and Aegon would spend hours playing in the courtyard the Red Keep, their wooden swords clashing in mock battles.

The memory was vivid, as though it had just happened yesterday. The sun bathed the courtyard in a warm glow, casting playful shadows upon the ground. Baelon and Aegon, both young and full of energy, were dressed in miniature versions of their father's armor. Their laughter echoed through the air as they swung their wooden swords with wild abandon.

Aegon, always the more daring of the two, would charge at Baelon with a mischievous grin, his eyes sparkling with excitement. Baelon would match his brother's enthusiasm, their swords meeting in a flurry of clinks and thwacks. They would dance around each other, their movements a blend of youthful exuberance and skill that seemed far beyond their years.

In those moments, their cares and worries melted away, replaced by the sheer joy of camaraderie and adventure. They were not heirs to a great dynasty or future rulers of a kingdom. They were simply two brothers, bound by a deep bond of love and shared experiences.

As the day would draw to a close, their faces flushed and their bodies covered in sweat, Baelon and Aegon would collapse onto the grass, their laughter filling the air. They would talk animatedly about their exploits, their imaginations running wild with tales of heroic deeds and daring escapades.

But amidst the laughter and play, there was always an unspoken understanding between them. They knew that their paths were destined for different roles, that one day they would have to shoulder the weight of their family's legacy. Yet, in those fleeting moments, they could forget about the future and revel in the innocence of their shared childhood.

As Baelon's gaze returned to the present, a bittersweet smile tugged at his lips. That memory was a treasure, a reminder of the bond he had shared with Aegon. Though his brother was now gone, his spirit lived on in Baelon's heart, giving him the strength to carry on and fulfill the responsibilities that now lay before him.

"It means I'll become King Regent and one day I'll be the King," Baelon spoke up after a moments silence.

"Yes, you will become King," Ser Otto nodded, patting his grandson's shoulder. "What kind of King do you think you will be?"

𝐍𝐨 𝐅𝐢𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐞 ~ A. HightowerUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum