Mini Dialog with Noblesse Characters

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Tao: This shit is not okay! You have no idea how much i hate you!'",

Takio: ".......what did you do?",

M21: "All i did was to wake him up to go to school",

* Camping *

Takio: *wakes Tao up* "Hey, look up. What do you see?",

Tao: ".....i see million stars. They are beautiful",

M21: "And what does that mean?",

Tao: ".....hmmm, the night weather is nice. The sky is so clear. Too bad there is no moon in sight right now"

M21 + Takio: *their veins popped*

M21: "You freaking idiot. It means someone stole our tent!",

Not far from their place, Frankenstein is giggling like mad man while holding their tent.

* At the Mall *

Karias: "Excuse me, my friend is lost. Can i make an announcement?"

Guard: "Sure",

Karias: "Good bye, you little shit",

Tao: "I'm here! I'm here! Don't leave me!",

* Make the bed *

Karias: "Rajak, i bet you'd look adorable as hell grasping at the sheets on my bed"

Rajak: "No matte how much you compliment me, I won't make your bed. You do it on your own. And stop that, it's disgusting",



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