Chapter 10: Dragonshy

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Y/N was napping in his cave when suddenly, a noise interrupted his slumber. It was a muffled rumbling that he immediately recognized. "What in Equestria?" he muttered as he got up on his talons and rushed out of the den. As he emerged into the sunshine, he saw a thick black plume of smoke rising from a distant mountain peak. He looked around and saw Fluttershy, who was climbing the steep slope that led from his cave. He greeted her as she approached, "You saw the smoke, too?" he asked, and she nodded, patting her wings. "Yes, should we alert the others?" she asked. Y/N pondered the question momentarily before returning to the distant mountain. "I'll go check it out first, but tell the girls to meet me back here if something goes wrong," he said.

The yellow mare nodded in agreement, then shyly took Y/N's talon and smiled at him. " careful, alright?" she whispered. Y/N chuckled and touched his snout to her forehead. "Don't worry about me. If it is what I think it is, I can handle it. You go now," he reassured her, letting her go and giving her one last smile before taking off and leaving Fluttershy to stare after him.

Y/N soon arrived at the mouth of the cave and began coughing as smoke entered his lungs. As he got closer to the source of the disturbance, he muttered under his breath, "Odin, damn it, he's big." The creature before him was massive, with red scales covering its body, pink spines and ridges over its eyes, bat-wing ears, and a gigantic beak-like snout from which smoke issued from both nostrils. It was sound asleep on a pile of treasure so large it could serve as its bed. Y/N sighed, realizing that he had never seen a creature like this before and that it wasn't supposed to be in this place.

With a low growl, Y/N let his alpha glow take over his spines and ridge, letting out another growl as the red beast rumbled. He shook his head before approaching the beast and tapping it on the snout. The beast was undoubtedly big, much like the gray and white alpha Y/N had encountered on his planet some time ago. As he examined the creature, Y/N couldn't help but wonder how it had wound up in this place.

"Hey, big guy. Wake up," Y/N ordered. The dragon soon blinked its eyes open, its yellow irises staring at him momentarily before it let out a low growl. Y/N just stared back at it, not amused by its behavior.

"Who are you?" the dragon asked hoarsely. Y/N dipped his head. "I'm King Y/N, and you, my friend, are not in dragon territory," he replied. The red dragon blinked in confusion. "I...follow no one," it rasped. Y/N sighed deeply. "Well then," he lifted his talon, showing off his sharp ebony claws, and flexed them a bit. "Either we can fight this out, and if I win, you leave forever. Or if you win," he shrugged, "I'll give myself to you as a treasure to keep."

"And what else can we do?" the dragon rasped, clearly not wanting to back down. "Well, you can always leave, and we don't have to fight at all," Y/N said, sitting down on his hindquarters and flicking his tail over to show off the precious fin he had gotten. The red dragon grumbled before lifting its head, its long neck curving to look at the alpha. "You're not using your powers on me. Why not?" it asked, surprised. Y/N shrugged, "Well, you're pretty much half my size, and I thought it was not safe to use them," he flashed a gummy smile. "But I will if you don't cooperate."

The red dragon grumbled before narrowing its eyes and baring its teeth. "Fine, we'll fight. But let's do it outside. This cave is too tight," it growled. Y/N let out a deep sigh. He didn't want to fight this big lump, but for his friends and Equestria, he would do anything, even if his own life was on the line.

"Fine," Y/N said, standing up before shaking off the tiny particles of dust that clung to him. He then padded outside and took to the air for a fighting chance. The red dragon followed suit, and soon, the two were circling each other in the sky, ready to do battle. Despite the odds against him, Y/N was determined to defend his territory and protect those he cared about, no matter the cost.

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