A Role Father Of Good Discipline

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At the empire, Orbot and Cubot are still taking care of a toddler; playing in the area, changing time, bath time, and sleeping in the crib.

Next year, Mia will grow into a kid, she also along with his little brothers are serving. She is a little tired because she wakes up towards the hallway dressed up. Mia looked up when Eggman entered the dresser room.

"Dad, what are you here in the dresser room?" Mia gets confused into the room.

"Yes, are you getting a new uniform for you!" Eggman spoke to his daughter.

"Would you like to color and like my uniform?" Eggman asked his daughter.

"Dad, I like pink, so why do you always wear a uniform?" Mia asked her father.

"Yes, I have been the generation of my grandfather, father, mother, and brother including another family. Because I do like my uniform." Eggman explains to his daughter.

"Ok, I'm just fine..get understand" Mia nodded her father.

Mia walks, then she is standing on the floor, Orbot and Cubot will be fixing a new clothes uniform. She looked around at the mirror. 

"I love this perfect uniform like you" Mia tells her father.

"Excuse, you can sit on the box…I will fix your hair." Orbot tells his oldest sister.

"Okay, I am just signing A Shiny to the army robotics and power to the union empire." Mia is sitting on the box while Orbot gets a brush on her hair on two ponytails.

"Did you see a ponytail like rubber Orbot and Cubot?" Orbot holds a mirror to his oldest sister.

"Oh, my gosh…I love my hair and I like the shape of Orbot and Cubot," Mia hugged Orbot and Cubot.

"Hey, Mia…you listen to me and follow the rules, if you need help anytime..?" Eggman looked down and spoke to her.

"Yes, sir…I will follow your rules.." Mia answered her father.

"I am considering replacing Mia with severed, so you are free, Orbot and Cubot." Eggman pointed out his daughter.

"Excuse me, Are we free??" Orbot asked his boss.

"Yes, you are free, so no longer served. You have free time, but should teach your oldest sister." Eggman is standing and speaking out of the robots.

Eggman leaves open the door scifi, Mia glanced at her father.

"Hey, you lucky day, Orbot and Cubot! Do you have experience serving? Mia shouting at two robots.

"Yes, we have been serving coffee, eating, hacking systems, ordering robots, etc…!" Orbot and Cubot explain to Mia.

"Let you know, warning if you get trouble or punishment." Orbot explains to Mia.

"What?! Did you often have trouble or punishment?" Mia shoulders each other Orbot and Cubot.

"Yes, we have suffered, gotten into trouble and punished because my boss is always abusive to us, data memory deleted, time out, and ditching the room." Orbot explains to Mia.

"Thanks for informing me, I am very nervous so getting in trouble or punishment, I don't know if my father will be mad at me." 

Meanwhile, "could you bring a sandwich and drink, please? " Eggman shouted at his daughter.

"Oh, I just heard from my father..I will bring food and drinks…!" Mia shouting at her father.

"It's very easy to sandwich and drink." Orbot tells Mia.

Mia along with Orbot and Cubot head into the kitchen, Orbot and Cubot will teach and help with Mia. Orbot gives a tray to Mia. Mia holds a tray on the plate and drinks.

"You should focus on balance and resting" Orbot on Mia's shoulder gets calm down.

Mia holds a tray towards the living room, as slowly as she walks, but she is falling on the rug. Mia rushed to catch and hold a tray back on the plate and drink. Eggman looked up at the plate and drank, but he looked down after hitting his face on a piece of sandwich and it's wet on his clothes.

Mia puts a tray on the table and Mia gets nervous in front of his father sitting on the couch.

"I am very sorry, because I am just a clumsy kid, so learn a lesson myself." Mia bowed in respect his father.

"It's okay, come on my leap…dear daughter" Eggman pats on his leg.

"Okay, I climbed up on his father's leg, so what do you want me to do?" Mia looked up at her father.

"I give the first warning to punishment, so would you slap hands or time out prefer you?" Eggman asked his daughter. 

"Hmm, I think it's better to take time out." Mia tells her father.

"I wanted to decide to both slap your hand and take time out in the playpen." Eggman tells his daughter.

"Okay, I take a breath down when she raise hand, ow..my hand…" Mia gets pain in her hand.

"I take time out to put it into the playpen, so good girl" Eggman cuddles when he puts his daughter in the playpen.

"I have to give it five minutes, put it into the playpen." Eggman tells his daughter.

Eggman leaves for work and shouts to his lackey. Mia is still crying in pain, so laying on the floor and favorite toys.

"Could you watch over your oldest sister, five minutes when you call me, please?"

"Okay, we sir when I will call you" Orbot and Cubot.

Meanwhile, Mia gets boring toys until she is sitting on the floor inside the playpen. "Come five minutes passed to your daughter, " Orbot shouted at his boss.

Eggman entered the living room, when he picked her up after he contacted his daughter. "What do you want to say to me?" Eggman held Mia's lip and looked at her father.

"I am very sorry for accidentally holding a tray with your sandwich and drink." Mia says to her father.

"Okay, I want to know that I still love you, so discipline through mercy to better yourself." Eggman tells his daughter and Mia's shoulder after he hugged his daughter.

"Okay, I will follow and listen to you then accept trouble or punishment so matter in the pain and the lesson I learned myself." Mia gets brave towards and reported his father.

"Hey, you know my past mother likes trouble or punishment like our children." Eggman explains his father.

"Wow, I understand..so thought practice for serving." Mia bowed respect for father.

To continue next: The Girl Flies In Grow Up

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