She agreed with the way they were arranged, but the last item caught her off guard.

The Monet shrugged it off, deciding to move on. The curtains back in the bedroom were pulled open, so she could see the telltale colors of the sunriseㅡpurple, orange, blue, and pink. She barely held herself back from staring at it in awe. After all, she still had another room to check out.

The second room was a walk-in closet, the wall of one side was lined with a long, wooden dresser covered in varnish. A small portion of it was topped with small bottles she figured were cologne. On the other side, less than half filled, were hangers upon hangers of leather jackets, suits, button ups, hoodies, all that of which were obviously men's wear.

Rosalie gulped, feeling the fabric on one of the long-sleeved Henleys. She knew someone who loved wearing those. The Monet rushed out of the closet, feeling it being far too stuffy.

As she looked around the bedroom, she was struck with the thought that everythingㅡthe design, the layout, the shaving cream, the styleㅡscreamed his name.

Oh God.

All this time, I've been sleeping in his bedroom.

Without meaning to, her gaze drifted to the bed. He's slept there.

Rosalie blushed a deep red, forcing herself to stop thinking about it. The brunette groaned at her ridiculous behavior. Stop acting like a teenager, you're an adult.

She repeated the mantra in her head, thinking she could escape her thoughts if she escaped the room.

·° 。: ✰ : ·° 。

For Original vampires, they sure slept like they needed it. It couldn't be later than 6AM, so Rosalie couldn't really blame them. She made her way down the staircase, finding that the halls were empty.

The Monet always thought the décor was so pretty in the mansion. From the outside, the colonial house looked semi-traditional; but the interior was a blend of antique and modernised designs.

Red velvets, dark woods, pearly whites and cremes, it all blended with each other nicely. The floor to ceiling windows were a favorite of hers, especially the ones at the back because it gave an overview of the grenery in the compound. There were hints of Greco-Roman and Italian architecture here and there, and she loved discovering them as she went along.

Record players, a grand piano, fancy lamps, cozy couches, polished table sculptures, patterned wallpapers, hardwood and tiled floors. It was a beautiful sight.

But her absolute favorite feature were the paintings that lined the walls.

It was always something different in every area. Some featured landscapes of nature or cities, some were abstract, some vibrant and colorful, some in monochrome or black and white; there was no shortage of creativity.

Rosalie could spend hours admiring the art, but she really wanted some coffee so her brain would function after the night she had. However, she'd been so immersed in her art session that she failed to notice the other presence in the living room.

Rosalie froze, just as she took a step.

"Hi," the brunette exhaled, stunned. She was planning on mentally preparing herself for an encounter with him, to think of what to say and how to act. The slow smile and soft look in his eyes made her gulp.

"Good morning, love." Nik said, completely unaware of her internal breakdown. He was standing by one of the windows, this time bathing in the first rays of sunlight instead of moonlight.

DREAMERS,   niklaus mikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now