Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

When the group returned to the estate, there was a small dinner planned. Lucilia was very unfortunate to be pushed to sit next to Cato. His father was not in attendance, but his mother was on his other side. Lucilia was very uncomfortable.

Luckily for Lucilia, Clyde and his father sat across from Lucilia and Cato. Clyde's father, Fredrick, took it upon himself to make Cato feel as uncomfortable as Lucilia felt sitting next to him and his mother. Cato would ask Lucilia a question - usually dealing with party planning or running a household. Fredrick would cut in and ask Cato a question about war and battle and hunting. When Cato couldn't answer his question properly, Fredrick would turn to Lucilia and Clyde. They would then answer it and debate outcomes.

Cato was looking more and more uncomfortable as dinner went on.

By dessert, Cato excused himself for the rest of the evening, claiming he was not feeling well. His mother glared daggers at Lucilia for the entire dessert, then too excused herself for the evening. She was more realistic, however, blaming bad company for the reason she was going to bed early.

Lucilia had to give her credit for having the guts to say it in front of a room filled with the highest trained warriors out there.

After dessert, most people didn't stick around for long. Lucilia found herself nodding off at the table and Raymond made sure to walk her back to her room just in case.

"Tomorrow will be better," Raymond stated with a smile. "It always is."

Lucilia wasn't sure about that, but she couldn't help but feel good with such a positive attitude around. Raymond was too upbeat, but Lucilia found she liked it.


The sun was already high in the sky when Lucilia woke up. Seems the fights and the training took a lot more out of her than she originally thought. She rose and got a member of the staff to bring her water to wash. It took a while, so she did stretches in the meantime.

While she was in the bath, her mother rushed into her room. She jumped only a little, her mother was known for coming in whenever she liked. That and her sleeping for so long warranted a visit from her mother. She hated her daughter sleeping in. Lucilia should have expected this reaction.

Lucilia didn't bother trying to cover herself, her mother had no shame.

"Make sure she has washer properly," her mother said and gestured to the ladies who came in behind her. They were the staff that usually helped her and her mother get ready for important events. Lucilia was confused.

One of the ladies was also Lucilia's best friend, Sylvia. She was the one who walked over to Lucilia and started to check her hair for cleanliness. Lucilia was slightly annoyed. "What is going on mother?"

Her mother sighed dramatically, "daughter we are having a dinner party. We have so many guests it is a crime not to hold one. Or do you not remember us picking out all of the decorations a few days ago? Should I have someone come and check your head?"

Lucilia frowned, she had almost completely forgotten about that. But that was supposed to be her engagement party?

"Just a dinner party?" Lucilia asked skeptically.

Her mother shot her a glare, "there is no such thing as just a dinner party."

Lucilia was not surprised by her answer. Her mother knew how to talk around a topic without lying and without giving any information away. It was the only skill Lucilia wished she could learn from her mother, but it was not something she liked to teach.

Sylvia washed her hair again and then wrapped it in a sheet. Then she had a towel waiting for her so she could step out of the bath. The other two staff had stocked the fire to keep the room warm and brought out a new dress that Lucilia had never seen before.

Lucilia stared at it for a long time. It was a burnt orange silky fabric with cream edges and details. She was actually impressed by the style. Usually her mother dresses her in light pastel colours. Pastel colours typically meant she is a little girl, the darker colour although much nicer was setting off alarm bells in her head. Something was going on here and she had to figure it out before she was embarrassed by her own mother.

Sylvia led Lucilia over to her vanity and made sure she was comfortable before starting to dry her hair. Lucilia watched everyone around her running around and gathering things to get her ready. Another lady got started on Lucilia's makeup while the second one came to help Sylvia dry her hair.

Lucilia's mother grinned at the scene and left. That made Lucilia's stomach sink. This was not good.

A couple hours later, Lucilia had done nothing but snack and sit while the three staff worked hard on getting her presentable. They weren't even speaking to her, which was weird for Sylvia. Usually if they came in to help her get ready there were jokes and stories to tell. Today, that didn't exist. It was almost as if her mother had threatened them.

After her hair was done and her makeup was on, the other two left and Sylvia helped Lucilia get dressed. Lucilia narrowed her eyes at her friend, "what."

Sylvia jumped at the sudden noise. She knew better than that, but to be on edge was not a good sign.

Sylvia took a deep breath, "yes, my lady?"

Lucilia frowned, so it was that kind of day then. "Can you tell me what the hell is going on."

Sylvia frowned slightly, "there is a dinner party tonight and your mother wishes you to look your best."

That was not what Lucilia would expect from her best friend. Yes, Sylvia worked in her parents house, but she only worked here because her parents also work here. Lucilia and Sylvia grew up together, as the only children their age in this house they gravitated together. There was no reason they should not play together. And Lucilia made sure her best friend also had basic fighting skills to match. They were always the same size and it made for perfect sparring, rather than always going against her own father who was much larger than her.

Their parents loved it, and they loved it.

Eventually Sylvia started working and Lucilia had more and more training time, but they still saw each other often living under the same roof.

"Is this my engagement party," Lucilia finally spat out and Sylvia jumped again.

"No," she squeaked and Lucilia frowned even more.

"Of course it is," she let out a sigh of frustration. "Hurry up and finish, I need to put a stop to this."

"Lucilia no," Sylvia stood in front of her. "You will embarrass your whole family if you don't go through with this! You have to think about the consequences?"

Lucilia rolled her eyes and slipped on her shoes, "the only family member I have who wants this to happen is my mother and I am more than happy to embarrass her."

Huntress [REWRITE] - NaNoWriMo 2023Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu