2.3: the aftermath

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They had found no body.

   That was the only thought that ran through my head for the next days. When the fire was being put out, Rei found me standing frozen in horror at the gate of their house and bundled me up in her arms along with Shoto, Fuyumi and Natsuo while I frantically looked around for Touya. After the incident, Rei was never the same.
    When I realised that Touya wasn't there and I got an idea of what exactly was happening, I couldn't even tell when I started screaming as tears ran down my face. The paramedics rushed towards us, wondering what the commotion was about. At that point I felt like I was going insane. Because I knew. I didn't need anyone to tell me that things had gone terribly wrong. Before then I had harboured some hate towards Enji but right then it was unfathomable. It. Was. All. His. Fault.

    We were late into the night when the fire was finally put out. I had chosen to stay- I could never rest well without knowing what had become of Touya but even the final verdict did nothing to calm me, even more so it put me in more distress.
           They had found no body.

    That day, a huge piece of me died along with him. I was left feeling empty and had spent the rest of the days left before the exam sitting on my bed and staring at the plain wall. I couldn't tell how much time passed. I couldn't bring myself to go for the funeral or to face the rest of his family. I couldn't even tell who I blamed if it was myself or him. But I knew for sure that it would never have happened if not for the bastard that called himself his father. The #2 'hero'.
    With the help of the media in a fit to cover up his image, Enji ruled off the incident as an accident- that Touya had lost control of his quirk and unfortunately lost his life while so. No matter how much he had tried to paint himself as a saint, We- I and the rest of his family knew. And I continued to loathe him with every fibre of my being for that. Maybe it was an apology, or a bid to shut me up about what truly happened, Endeavour had given me the recommendation to get into the UA. Whatever it was, I took it with open arms but that didn't reduce my hate for him. He didn't seem to care though.
     The incident seemed to have made him a bigger asshole than he already was. Through the funeral, Even while he watched his wife taken away, he kept on that plain expressionless face. Even while his son was hit with the revelation that he would have to live with a reminder in the form of a scar for the rest of his life, he simply urged him to recover quickly so they could resume training so he wouldn't end up like 'his weak excuse of a brother'. He didn't deserve to be a father, or a hero.

    It was no news that Rei was unstable. But after that incident she had tethered far off the cliff of her sanity.
    After she had poured a kettle of boiling water on Shoto's face in an attempt to dissuade Endeavour from intensifying his training, she was chartered off to a psych ward. I couldn't blame her. Right from the moment she was bound in a quirk marriage against her better judgement, forced to shoulder the burden of watching her husband destroy her first child and attempt to do the same for her youngest while ignoring and neglecting her and the others. There was no reason why she would have taken it. She regretted it all. Agreeing to the marriage, giving birth to them, staying.

  While Rei had lost her grasp on her sanity, my mother seemed to realise she could no longer wallow in her despair while watching me slowly get lost in mine. Some days after, perhaps she noticed I had stopped waking her up with a cup of coffee like she was used to, she woke up bright and early, picked herself up and took care of me the way I had longed for her to ever since my brother's death. And slowly, I locked up all the memories I had with him in a dark place in my mind and focused on what was ahead of me. I was determined to fulfill what he had set his mind to and given his life for- I was going to be the hero he didn't get the chance to be.
     Eventually after a few months, the time for my resumption was drawing close. As much as I wished to stay stuck in my mind, there was no way I would have achieved our dream like that. So I sucked it up and continued Training. Every day I trained till I could not think. Till I was spent and gasping for breath. Till I was at my limit. That was the only way I could get stronger was what I said, but deep down I knew it was all a distraction because if I took a break for a minute I would end up thinking... Of how things were not what they were meant to be... how he was supposed to be beside me. I could no longer visit the Todoroki residence because it only reminded more of what I wanted to forget. I had to distance myself and  as much as it pained me, it was for the best.
    Our special place started to fill me with bitter sweet feelings. Even though I wished to toss out everything that reminded me of him, I just couldn't let go of that place. So I was stuck savouring the memories of the moments we spent there while I longed to have him hold my hand just for another time.
    The first time I went back there was just before the day of the exams. I tried to drown myself in my training but I just couldn't suppress the memories and soon found myself lost in them. I took a walk to clear my head and had found myself back at the one place that reminded me of him the most. I broke down in tears as I lay face down in the grass- that was the first time I let myself cry since he died. I stayed like that for hours until the sun set, just thinking about the memories that we shared. A person who would have seen me then probably would think I was dead. Maybe I was- although not physically... But I never felt complete again, that I could not deny. And weeks afterwards I was back again sat atop the same hill, this time with a small smile on my face. I was set to start my official journey to becoming a hero the day after and I was determined to do it for him... For us.

Whew... That's a lot of angst... I totally didn't have a few tears in my eyes as I wrote this chapter... How do you like it? They're probably some typos here and there, please alert me if you come across any of them... Thanks for reading and don't forget to leave a vote  and comment if you liked it ^^ till next time, love ya :3
~ She who is married to all the Todoroki children, Shi
P.s here's a Dabi meme to help cope with the angst

s here's a Dabi meme to help cope with the angst

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