I found you, but not as you were

Start from the beginning

With the shaking of her hands lessened by the revelation, she slid open the door. And chocked back a sob at seeing a slumped figure in the middle. Their wall was blasted, and Nimona could barely wonder what could have possibly caused such destruction, only wishing that her father's last sight was off the beautiful moon, she shuffled closer in pale acceptance of the fate of her home.

In a daze, she registers the singed wooden walls and furniture, Ballister's axe embedded deep in the floor board that she retrieves before continuing, and lastly, upon kneeling before the body, Nimona finds the lack of Boss' right arm.

"When I said I was your right hand man, I didn't mean it literally," Nimona says, feeling nonsensical as she rests her head on the corpse's chest. Perhaps to awaken once more to find this whole nightmare to be but a dream, perhaps to rest and replenish energy for all the digging she'll need to do. All she knows was that she rested her head on his chest expecting to find a cold and stiff pillow.

Instead, she feels warmth and the smallest remains of a heartbeat.

She thinks she cries as she hurries to heave Ballister on to her back, the tears burning tracks on to her cheeks as they blurred her vision. She remembers sheathing Ballister's axe to her waist, in case she met whatever beast that destroyed the orphanage, she remembers tracking through the snow and using the same risky shortcuts just to cut the time to the village healer shorter. She remembers the weight on her back shifting, and her foot slipping from the slippery ground. She remembers falling from a great height, hitting tree branches and glancing off of sharp rocks. She remembers seeing the blinding white snow below and wondering how much longer she had until she met the ground.

When she came to, she found her fall broken by the white snow, and Ballister standing up.

"Boss!" She scrambles up to meet him, her heart pounding as she sees the strange way the older teen was holding himself, no doubt greatly injured and hurt. "Boss, c'mon, get on my back. You can't make it the rest of the way with your injuries-" her voice tapers off at a strange keening sound that comes out of Ballister's mouth. Like grinding porcelain shards together, it raised the hairs on Nimona's arms, and as the fear started flooding her veins, she hesitates before taking another step forward.


The sound coming from Ballister's mouth grew louder, and Nimona's feet felt like lead as her hands unsheathed the axe, raising it in the nick of time to stop teeth sinking into her face. Toppling under the force of her attacker, she finds herself with her back to the ground and pushing her arms to the limit to avoid the pointy fangs and sharp nails from piercing her nails.

Her tears have dried by now, her eyes clear in both sight and fear. There was no mistaking the attacker above her despite their slit eyes, fiery hair, and animalistic growling.

Perhaps Nimona was in a nightmare, cause impossibility was staring at her face as she screams at her brother who was turned into demon.


Hey guys, so I know you've all probably heard of the crisis in Palestine and want to find a way to help. So if you're willing, I found some sites that can help in supporting Palestine. Hopefully we can join in the fight in our own ways.

A click will result in a 1$ donation from the sponsors of the site. It's for free too. :))

These sites can help you search up products to see if they are affiliated with Israel and avoid them. You can also help them expand their list to include products that support the apartheid that are not listed on their database.

This link shows a video that informs you on how to send e-sims to the people of Gaza for them to stay updated. It also briefly explains the process of distribution as well as the price.


These sites lead you to Islamic Relief Organization to Yemen, Palestine, Sudan, the Horn of Africa, and Congo. You can donate whatever you are willing, any amount helps. Or you can learn more from their informative articles.

This site helps keeps you updated on any protests that you might be interested in joining to support Palestine.

Stay loud, stay strong, and above all, do not stop talking about the genocide.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09 ⏰

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