Natalie Scatorccio ~ Her smell of Cigarettes

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So i hope that this is okay!!
Enjoy <333

Wordcount: 469

Today wasn't your day... your mental health was eating away at your self-esteem... so instead of going to class, learn, and thrive, you skipped.

You hurriedly ran to the location where the hall patrollers never looked, or checked... it was the only place you could go.. really.

Once you get there, you let out a big sigh of relief.. but as you turn the corner, you almost screech from fright, as you see someone... but they pin you to the wall, their hand flying against your mouth, as a hushed

"Shut up!!"

Was heard from the feminine voice... you look up and see the shaggy, bleach blonde mullet.. making you instantly realise who it was

Natalie scatorccio...

She was in your 3rd period English class, and was on the girls soccer team, the 'Yellowjackets'.

"...sorry.." you mutter, and she just shrugs it off, pulling out a lighter, and a pack of cigarettes..

That was another thing about her, she was a complete druggie... but that was something you were attracted too...

(Well... honestly same, because its Natalie!!)

She did drugs at party's, as much as you know... probably at home too... weed, cocaine... the whole thing..

She side-glances you.... as she puts the cigarette in her mouth, taking a hit.. as you hadn't moved at all

"You good?" Natalie smirks slightly, which makes you snap out of the thoughts...

"Yup!... good" she just nods, snickering
"Really? Cause you were zoned out"

You just shake your head, furrowing your eyebrows to seem confused

"Why's a girl like you here anyway..?"

"Just.. skipping.. having a bad day"

She looked at you again
"Why, what happened at 9 in the morning to make your day go bad?"
She asked, genuinely curious

"Nothing.. just.. intuition"
She nods, exhaling the smoke created by her cigarette

"Ya.. i get it, those days suck, you know I'm having one too.. but, something already happened so..."

She explained.. she looked very down now that you look at her, and you put a comforting hand on her shoulder

She jumped a little..

"Oh sorry..."

She exhaled smoke in your face

"Your good"

She smirked playfully, as you wafted the smoke away from your face


She just laughs lightly

A part of you couldn't help but feel comfort talking to her, even if she stank of cigarettes, and alcohol... but the smell was oddly comforting...

"Um... you know.. you're chill, right?... sit next to me in English tomorrow, 3rd period... back row"

She playfully pats your head.. as she walked past you... going home

The last thing you can pick up on as you turn around was her smell of cigarettes

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05 ⏰

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