18) Pen, paper and that late night feeling

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"Not very far from the start", I replied

"Look, I don't know how to get started or what to write", she said, getting frustrated. That's one amazing way to start our first session together.

It's plain as the day that she didn't want to spend a single second with me.

"You didn't even write a single letter?" I raised my eyebrows, skimming through the blank sheet.

"Are you deaf? I just said I didn't know where to start!! "

Yeah... Didn't know or didn't want to??

"What do you guys even write about??-Fairies? Obsessively philosophical stories?" she wondered

"Someone never paid attention during English lessons", I said as she shot daggers at me.

I'm being unhelpful again, ain't I?

"Okay... Let's try this. Start with a few words about a thing you love... Could be anything you want"

"Right now, all I want is to vanish you, Rooster", she mumbled under her breath.

"You said something?" I pretended not to hear her.

"Nope", she gave the cutest fake smile

"Good. Now work.", I said, smiling internally.

She seemed to be sincere in the craft, occasionally biting the tip of the pencil and clutching her hair in stress.

It was funnily adorable.

"I'm done. Yay!!! ", she yelled, jumping off her seat.

"Great. Let's have a look", I said, grabbing the piece of paper.

Reading her paper, I got the interpretation that she wanted the most was to become an influential person in the business world.

"Is that your dream?" I asked

"Yeah, why are you so puzzled about that? "

It lacked some emotions that would usually be.

"Nothing. You did good. But there's a lot to improve", I returned her paper.

The only improvement she needs is that she should put her genuine efforts into writing rather than doing for the sake of me forcing her to do it.

"So can I go, Mr.Coordinator??" she rolled her eyes at my feedback.

"One more and you'll be free to go"

"You're so cruel", she groaned but I gestured for her to retort to work.


Kyra's POV

What a tiresome day!!!

Those stupid writing lessons really messed up my brain. I need hours of sleep to recover.

But I must appreciate how he kept his word of not crossing paths outside that place.

I mean, he even skipped lunch at cafe with his lifelong best friends just for us to not be in the same space.

Of course, he didn't let them know that

Is it his dedication to his promise or to the hate towards me?

Either way it works fine for me. He would do anything in the world but won't utter a word acknowledging that night.

"Again??" Aditi questioned, looking at the fresh flowers in my hand

"I'm praying that this person will give up if I keep ignoring them"

The Love MazeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz