New years (sorry im late😭)

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"Go! Go! Go!"
Me and Charlie started tiptoeing towards Neil's dorm, afraid we weren't going to make it on time, Right as we got to the door we see Meeks open it.

"Cmon guys! You're gonna miss it!" He started waving us inside,as me and Charlie rushed on in

I sat down on one of the beds as we watched the clock hit 11:57.

"Guys... I brought something.." I hear Neil say, I look over and see party hats! We all rush over and grab one.

As the clock hits 11:58 Cameron asks us "any resolutions?"

"Uhhhh... good grades?" I question myself as I hear a lot yesses come from everybody

"Cameron's new year resolution should be to get a girl.. or a man!" Charlie jokes as we all start laughing, Cameron just rolls his eyes.

"Guys the clock!" Pitts tells us as it hits 11:59

All of us look over in excitement until
It hits 12:00

"Happy new year!" We all get up and start cheering, jumping up and down.

Knox ended up throwing his drink on Neil while jumping

"Hey! Knox..!"



We hear someone knock on our door, Charlie thinking it was a student ran over and opened it

"Happy fucking new year dickhea-"... he slowly stops as he realizes he's talking to principal Nolan..

"Dalton, the rest of you. My office NOW!"

Let's just say we got in trouble that day.. 😬

I'm sorry for not updating you guys! I'm trying but I haven't seen the movie in a while and I have no motivation, sorry😭😭 I hope you all had a happy new year and a good Christmas or Hanukah! I appreciate you guys and thank you for 85 reads! 🫶🫶

Bullseye - DPSजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें