1. Rival

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It was a normal day in Akademi High. Phone addicts gossiping, delinquents guarding the incinerator for some reason, the student council patrolling the halls, Yan-chan stalking Senpai around the corner while he chit-chats with Osana...

Ayano POV

I clench my fists in anger as I see my Senpai talking with that orange haired girl again. I need to eliminate her.. I thought to myself as an evil grin appears on my face. Hmm... Drown, burn, poison, decapitate- the choices are endless! The bell rings signaling that students should start heading to their class.

"See you later at lunch, Osana." Senpai says.

"You better not keep me waiting, Baka!" The tsundere replies while crossing her arms. 

"Alright alright, I promise I won't!" He scratches the back of his neck awkwardly and then walks away.

"Hmp." She pouts, then out of nowhere a girl with shorter pigtails walks up to her.

"How did it go, Osana?" She asked.

"It went fine!- We're having lunch together at the school rooftops!" She exclaimed as a bit of red blush spreads across her cheeks.

"Oh, that's nice! Let's head to class now! Wouldn't want to be late after all.." The two of them start to walk away but before they could leave my sight I pulled out my phone and quickly took a picture of the girl with the shorter pigtails to check her data.

"Raibaru Fumetsu, huh.?" I mumble as I scan the information about her. 

Best friends with Osana and previous leader of the martial arts club.?! If she's always hanging around with her then how am I suppose to not get caught!.. I clench my jaw as my eyebrows furrow while I try to think of a plan. My frustration disappears when an idea pops up in my head.. 

"Maybe a salty snack would work.." I murmur. A wide grin appears on my face at the thought of the idea. "Heheheh hahahaa..."

"Uh, excuse me?" A shadow hovers over my figure as I felt a tap on my shoulder. My grin fades away and I turn around to see a person with black glasses and chestnut colored hair in a low bun- must be one of the teachers...

"Huh?" I utter, trying to look innocent and confused.

"What are u doing here still? You need to get to class." The woman says calmly with her hands on her hip.

"Right, sorry I'll be going now..!" I lower my head and then sprinted to class... I step up the stairs and enter classroom 2-1, sitting down on my seat I think of ways of how to eliminate Osana with Raibaru distracted. Finally, the bell rung again meaning that all students should be in class by now. After the teacher took attendance she began explaining things about biology. Like I was listening anyways-...

All that was running in the yanderes head was plans to eliminate her rival...

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