chaper 3: the waiting game and taking action

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Welcome to another chapter of this story, hope you enjoy this chapter, but i (might) skip some Scenes in the anime since the last chapter took way longer then I expected, so enjoy.

Ayanokoji's POV

It's has been a few days since we have arrived at this world and we have more information about them, also each day one of us has to go out and find more information about fuutarou and the quintuplets, and supplies as well, and ethan has not came back yet which is troublesome for me.

Ethan opened the door to reveal he has a gun in his hand, a lot of food and over $10,000 in his bag.

Pixel looks so confused

Pixel: where in the fuck did you find 10k?, the overabundance of food and the gun. Mind explaining that?

Ethan tried giving an explanation but couldn't form words until he waited to calm down.

Ethan: I mugged some thugs, stole a bunch of food, and used the gun to intimidate the people who ere trying to stop me, but of course milk decided to delete them from this world.

Of course he would use the gun to intimate people, but milk deleting them right after that is something.

Pixel looked at Ethan in disappointment

Pixel: I honestly didn't know what to expect from you Ethan, but me and Ayanokoji-Sama have new information you 2 wanna hear.

Milk enters the room looking like he already knew, well its not surprising at all.

Milk: the quintuplets and fuutarou are going to a festival tomorrow, right? Yes I know this shouldn't be surprising,

Pixel wanted to be shocked but he expected this might happen

Pixel: as much as I want to be shocked I can't cause knowing you, its expected you to know what's happening.

Milk looks at him with some sort of gratitude?

Milk: Well this is nothing to me, but once we get in the apartment tomorrow we can set up a trap or something to get fuutarou and the quints and finish this mission, simple and easy.

I looked at milk, cause that's a good plan but I have a better plan.

Ayanokoji: good plan milk, but I have something better and it involves you milk.

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