A lot more than you, you pussy.

I shake my thoughts. She stares into my eyes.

'You look like Liddle'. I look over to Shinso and Denki, hoping to find some clarification.

'Little Listener. He's one of our cats. He has heterochromia'. I nod understanding.

She begins to fiddle with my hair. 'Does your hair turn pink when you shower? One time dad accidentally put a red shirt in with Shinso's scarf and it went pink'. I laugh.

'It wasn't funny Eri! It took me ages to bleach it'. Denki snuggles closer to Shinso. 'I thought you looked cute in pink'. Shinso rolls his eyes.

'What's your quirk' Eri asks me. 'I have two. Fire on this side' I make a flame appear from my left index finger. 'And ice from this side' I wave my right hand, making snowflakes begin falling down.

'PRETTY' Eri yells, now standing on my lap, trying to grab the snowflakes. Damn that hurts.

I think Shinso notices this because he snatches Eri off my lap. 'Okay Eri, I'm sure Sho-Todoroki doesn't want you crawling all over his lap like a feral animal'.

I smile at Shinso. 'Thanks Shinso' I say, smiling. He smiles back at me.

Suddenly, Eri looks confused. She turns to Shinso. 'So, where's Shoto's partner.' Denki bursts out laughing, while Shinso says 'What have we talked about Eri!' I laugh too. 'I don't have one Eri'. She is now sat on Shinso's lap. 'Okay but then who do you like'.

Denki snaps to me. 'That's actually a VERY good question Eri, who do you like Shoto?' Shinso playfully hits Denki. 'Dude! Not cool!'

'Erm, I guess you two?' They both stare at me, unblinking. 'And, I guess Deku, at a push Ochako and Asui'. Everyone is quiet. Why is there a silence? I falter. 'Um, I guess Iida isn't so bad, and Momo I guess is nice but I've never spoken to her outside of training'. More silence.

'Shoto, it sounds like you have a crush on half the class' Denki says. I cock my head to the side. 'You asked me who I liked. I told you everyone I was friends with'. Suddenly, Shinso and Denki burst out laughing. 'THANK GOD' says Denki. 'I was so confused!' Says Shinso.

Suddenly, I smell something mouthwatering. Denki jumps up. 'Foods ready!' He says. 

'How the hell can you always tell?' Shinso asks, following him to another room which I presume is the kitchen.

Eri stands there, looking at me. I stare back at her. Is this a staring competition? 

'Later, you WILL tell me who you have a crush on. Or, I will kill you, you damn extra'. She skips out of the room.

Guess 'the other one' is Backugo.


'And then, she said that we could play in the sand pit. And then, we did. And then, we found a ladybug...' She sits and thinks.

'And then?' Shinso asks.

'And then! I caught it. And then, we named it Spotty.'

'And then?' Denki asks, giggling.

'And then, we took it inside. And then, it flew up to the light'. Aizawa gives daggers to Shinso and Denki.

'And then?' Mic asks, as Aizawa lightly bonks him on the head in irritation.

'And then! And then...' She scrunches her eyes, trying to think. 'And then, we played heros!'

'Which hero were you Eri?' Mic asks, with confience. 'Was is a certain amazing voice hero?' Eri shakes her head. 'No. I was papa.' Mic looks slightly sad, as Aizawa triumphantly turns towards her, beaming. 'So Eri, who did you save?'

'Nobody. I just napped'.

Denki chokes on his water, laughing. Shinso hides behind his hands, giggling, as Mic roars with laughter. Aizawa looks flustered. 'Is that all you think papa does out on patrol?' Shinso asks, barely holding it together.

'Well duh. I don't think he sleeps at home, because I can always hear him thumping against the wall'. Aizawa turns bright red, as it's Mic's turn to choke on his water. Denki sinks down trying not to laugh, as Shinso groans.

'Okay Eri, I think it's time for you to watch your cartoons' Mic says, swiftly picking her up, taking her into the lounge. The rest of us just sit in uncomfortable silence.

'I got papers to grade, Shinso wash up' Aizawa mumbles, practically running out the room.

We all stare at eachother, then Denki bursts out laughing. I have no idea what's going on.

'I want to die' Shinso says, pulling his hood up and tightening the cords. 'I don't understand' I say. 'Well, basically...' Shinso covers Denki's mouth, 'NO!' Shinso says sternly.

Denki licks his hand. 'Ew! You're so gross!' Shinso says, wiping his hand on his sleeve.

'Not as gross as knowing that Mic-Sensei and Aizawa-Sensei-'

Shinso tackles Denki to the floor. 'Shut up shut up shut up shut up!' Denki laughs, then calms down.

'Sorry' he says. 'I won't talk about it again. Lets clean up'. Shinso nods, helping him up. 

We begin to clear everything away. Denki turns to Shinso.

'Who do you think tops?' Shinso screams, knocking Denki to the floor, who bursts into laughter.

Oh. I think I finally understand what's going on. I chuckle and clean up as I watch the two play fight.

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