"john b, this is deputy thomas. he works with juveniles for the sheriffs department. look, i know uncle t is down in mississippi working at a casino. he hasnt been here in months" cheryl stood up

"am i not old enough to be a carer? im 19 years old!" julia asked her

"too late for that" she shook her head

john b tried to run but deputy thomas stopped him. john b packed his things and julias eyes started to water. her brother was to be leaving her.

julia drove the twinky to sarahs because she had nowhere else to go.


julia opened the door and walked up the stairs. as she walk past rafes room he looks at her but she keep walking.

he stands by his door "hey julie come back here."

julia takes a few steps back "yes rafe?"

"you never came back the other night." he said

"didnt think you'd notice honestly" she shrugged

"why not julie?" he was now leaning against the door frame

"i dont know. just didnt cross my mind to think your the kind of guy to notice that someone doesnt come back"

"wow julie. wow. sarah isnt here by the way. see you later julie." he smiled and waved at her then went back into his room

"bye rafe" julia whispered and smiled as she walked down the stairs.


she went home and had a long peaceful nap.

julia woke up to a text saying meet at movie screen.


when she got there she helped kie grab the food and drinks and rafe walked over "hey kie, julie. whats up?"

kie ignored him.

"hey rafe" julia smiled

"how are you two." he asked

"im fine." kie said uncomfortably

"im okay. how are you?" julia asked

"yeah im good. um.. julie. tell your boy we know what he did."

"sorry, what boy are you talking about?" kie asked

"uh, he'll know." he just smiled.

julia and kie walked away back to pope and JJ. "just saw rafe, and he said, and i quote, tell your boy that we know what he did." she told them

"what is that?" julia asked full of concern

"um.. where is he?" JJ asked anxiously

"right there" kie pointed

pope turned around swiftly "great, the whole death squad. ah!"

"dont stare, bro" JJ also turned back around and turned popes head "just warning you, bro. if they corner me, im coming out swinging, okay? slice and dicing. im on edge right now." pope nodded his head in agreement.

the movie started so they all watched until pope needed a piss. julia looked behind to see rafe sitting watching the movie.

"you gonna keep staring at him?" kie tapped me

"huh? what- im not- please dont tell anyone." she put her head in her hands

"your secrets safe with me" kie smiled

julia and kie go to check up on the boys because they were taking a while and they see rafe, topper and kelce fighting pope and JJ

"let go of him, topper! fascist asshole!" kie tried to help pope get free

"rafe. let JJ go. please." julia placed her hand on his shoulder

"fine julie." he let go and went to pick up kie.

"rafe stop!" he threw her to the ground.

"kie you okay?" julia went to her

"yeah" she grabbed the lighter from JJs bag and set the screen on fire

rafe, kelce and topper started to walk away and pope was coughing. kie tended to pope whilst julia tended to JJ

"you okay J? let me see your face" she gently lifted his face up

"im fine jule. ive had worse" he hugged her. julia saw rafe turn around and look at her and JJ hugging.

"lets go to mine and get you all cleaned up." julia suggest


they were in heywards shop the next day and heyward said someone was here to see pope and out comes the officer shoupe. he arrested pope for destruction of property.

they all argued against his arrest. all of a sudden JJ shouted. "it wasnt him! it was me. he tried to talk me out of it, but i was mad because he'd just been beaten up. i was so sick of those assholes from figure 8 that i lost my shit. i cant let you take the blame for something i did. youve got too much to lose."

"JJ, what are you doing?" pope was shocked

"im telling the truth.for once in my goddamn life, im gonna gell the truth." he lied. "i took his old mans boat, too"

"what the hell?" heyward added

"JJ, come on." pope tried to speak

"just shutup, pope! just shutup. hes a good kid. you know where im from." he looked at shoupe who just nodded. "this was all me"

JJ got into the cop car and pope threw his hat on the floor.

everyone went home and julia had another nap.

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