Start from the beginning

Gojo had gone mad, he knocked the door open , not caring about the damage, " Satoru! There are neighbours!" Shoko hissed, looking around in case anyone heard

" just go in" Gojo ordered, having already invited himself inside

Geto quickly ran after Shoko who entered the house

Gojo's mind took him to your room. He slammed the door open immediately and saw no one. " what the hell.." Gojo started to check around

Shoko slowly appeared after Gojo and checked your bathroom as Gojo inspected your room. There was only minutes of shuffling before sound was heard

" Satoru, her phone is here" Gojo heard Geto's voice ring from outside. Gojo immediately travelled outside and stared at your phone in Geto's hand

" I couldn't find anything.." Shoko was quickly out your room behind Gojo, closing your door.

Gojo felt stressed, the thought that you disappeared from the earth made his heart sink. " why would she leave her phone" Gojo held your phone gently

" did she get abducted?" Geto suggested the only thought he had

" come to think of it. The last I heard of them is when they had a mission, it was late at night" Shoko collected her thoughts, trying her best to remain calm

" where did she go?" Gojo frantically asked. Shoko massaged her head, pacing around the room to help her think

" you know that store where the seller was extremely kind and they sold the best ice cream ? I remember she mentioned that place because she was going to buy some snacks after the mission" Shoko clicked her fingers

" yes, let's go" Gojo rushed, trying to escape your house

" wait Satoru" Geto sensed Gojo's anxiety rising

" what..?" Satoru sounded annoyed after being disturbed. " we are all worried here, but we will find her" Geto tried to ease Gojo's nerves

" I hope so" Gojo mumbled, he just wanted so bad for you to be safe. In his arms.


" these cameras are rusty but you can still make out the faces of people" the old lady showed everyone the camera footage of that night

Geto sat behind the computer screen while Gojo and Shoko stood on each side of the chair.

Geto hand picked a footage. It was the night of your mission. There was nothing aside from a few customers to everyone's dismay

" wait, just keep skipping" Gojo ordered Geto to fast forward the footage. Geto clicked the button to enhance the speed

" wait stop!" Shoko halted Geto, seeing a figure that looked like you. " slow down the clip" Gojo realised Shoko's eyes spotted you

Geto sighed and slowed down the clip. There you were, looking around. " she's going around that corner" Suguru closely observed

" finding a curse?" Shoko placed a finger to her chin. A dreadful pit was built in Gojo's stomach. Did you die at the hands of a curse? It couldn't be! You were more then capable

𝗡𝗘𝗩𝗘𝗥 𝗔𝗚𝗔𝗜𝗡. - 𝗀𝗈𝗃𝗈 𝗑 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋 Where stories live. Discover now