Explain, meet. •~

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Johnny is a superstar! He's an actor. A famous actor. Everyone knew him and the movies he's in. It was weird if you didn't know who he was in LA. He mostly was in action movies. Maybe in some others. Mostly known how his acting in the newest Mortal Kombat movie.

Kenshi on the other hand was a blind swordsman. He taught people how to handle a sword or even martial arts. He would also sometimes film what moves he can do. Well at least his friends would. That's how many people would show up to his training place which is in a really huge gym.

One day. Johnny was walking past the streets, of course not having a hat on or atleast cover up like all the other celebrities would walking down the streets.. Johnny wanted people to take pictures of him or see him. Of course.
But when he was walking he strangely saw a new gym, thought he'd try it out check what this other place is than his regular gym.

Walking in the guy saw it was pretty loaded with people, surely. He was impressed, went over to the counter and checked in for the hour. Walked all across it checking out everything, then saw a wide hallway, on both of its sides there was two doors, being the curious he is, he walked in the right door and saw it was only some useless weights and items. Like a closet. After walked in the left side. And his jaw dropped.

There was a boxing ring, boxing gear, kicking pads, and ever samurai swords. He walked into the room and looked around for anyone. As he saw there was nobody in the room, he thought he'd try out the punching bags.

After a few minutes he could hear someone's presence nearby, he turned around and saw a man, tall, handsome man.

"Poeple aren't supposed to be here today" the guy said.
"It wasn't locked, means I can come in"

The other man just sighed and tilted his head towards johnny "not bad punches" he blurred out
"Well thank you, my workouts and muscles make it better" he said winking.. after a while he finally noticed the guy had a blindfold on his eyes..

He decided not to question it and just ignored it.
"What do you know about punches anyways?"
"Well I work here, I have experience"
"Like with what?"
"I teach sword handling and sometimes martial arts. Maybe even boxing if I feel like it" he said coldly

Johnny just nodded in understatement and then turned to the swords "it can't be that hard to handle one" he said
"The swords? If your stubborn then it's a handfull" kenshi said coldly. It's like he doesn't have emotions, or he's just serious
"Can you teach me? My newest movie I have has action and katana fighting in it, i have to learn in 4 weeks. Like professionally" he said proudly
"I'll think about it. You can come back tomorrow, I'll have my mind made up by tomorrow" he said

As Johnny nodded again he looked at his time, and his hour was almost gone now, he quickly said his goodbyes and went out the gym, handing some photographs outside for some fans and then started to walk back to his car that was parked a few miles away.

He thought about the next movie and how hard it would be to learn a whole sword? Like all the moves. All the blocks. Everything. It's gonna be a hard 4 weeks for him if the guy agrees.

Then when he got home a few hours later. He remembered he didn't even get the guys name..

Hope you liked it!! Short chapter? I'll probably publish it after this even tho I publish like almost the whole book first then the end a few days later..

649 words

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