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Two weeks later, I had a new job.
Lila was right about her friend Winston, His mothers were kind enough to give me a job at their Cafe as a baker.

I was putting out a fresh batch of sweet and savory Pirozhki when the bell chimed above the door, I glanced up to see someone I'd come to recognize as a usual customer.

Tanned skin year-round, dark hazel eyes framed by black lashes, short wavy black hair, and a broad-chested Italian man who goes to the local college.

"Welcome in, good to see you again, what can I help you with?"

Sarah, a perky girl who also attends the local college asked, a grin on her face.

"Large coffee, black, and uh two of those things, a blackberry jam one and a meat one"

He carelessly swiped a black card and went to a corner booth, I collected the two pastries he asked for while Sarah prepped his drink.

"Our eye candy is back, and he ordered two of your special pastries, ugh more people, you can go and deliver this to him, can't you?"

I hummed as I grabbed the tray, adding a few napkins to it as I rounded the counter before slipping by the busy line of people.

He always comes in followed by a wave of people, I still don't know if that's intentional or not.

I tapped the table twice before setting everything down, one napkin may or may not have the name of the pastry on it and how to pronounce it.

"It's rude not to speak to your customer"

The man growled as he grabbed my right wrist, my heart rate spiked as I began to breathe heavily. I may have stayed calm that night, but they didn't grab my hand.

Quickly I tapped my mouth before shaking my head, as he was momentarily confused I ripped my hand away and ran back to the counter to drop off the tray. I was already hyperventilating.

"Ben? Hey, hey, it's okay, go take five in the staff room"

Sarah said worriedly, I tossed my apron onto the hook before running off to hide in the staff room.
I sat in the dark, my right hand cradled to my chest as I curled up in a corner.

Thirty minutes later I returned to work, I was exhausted but I needed to go on. It has been a while since that's happened to me, never gets any easier.

When my shift was over I slowly made my way to the bus stop, nearly dosing off on the ride home.

I stumbled off the bus, my limbs feeling heavy, but I gave my cheeks a good pat shook my head, and widened my eyes to seem alert.

No need to worry Lila any more than she already is and I have dinner to make, she should be home now, the old lady always gets her home five minutes before I arrive, then leaves once I am home.

"Papa, I sold four bracelets today! That's eight whole dollars!"

She happily announced as I cooked, and then she held out the money.

"Here Pa, this is to help with rent and bills!"

'No no, I thank you for helping but you keep it, you earned it'

I told her, but she almost cried, so we made a deal, she gave me half and she saved the rest in her piggy bank.
Not that I would spend that money, I will add it to my savings jar I have, for her future.


I arrived at work early the next morning, Lila was safely taken to her friend's house before I walked the rest of the way.

I wiped down tables, did a quick mop, got the coffee started and even tossed in muffins before counting the register.
Just before the muffins were done, Faith and her boyfriend arrived, she unlocked the door and turned on the sign while Paul got started on the breakfast sandwiches and wraps.

"Morn'n Corbin, oh wow, thanks for slicing the sourdough for me! That saves me a step"

I give a two-finger salute with a tired smile, he shakes his head with a deep chuckle.

"Corey~ any new pics of that sweet daughter of yours? How is the bracelet business?"

I showed her the pick of Lila snoring on my shoulder while we rode the bus, and I told her about her newest sales.

"Awe the sweet angel, and a savvy businesswoman too, guess you will be taken care of when your old, huh?"

I snickered as she grinned, I switched on some soft Latin music before watering all the real plants.
The bell chimed, and as I looked up I recognized the five men.

"Good morning gentlemen, what can we do for you this fine morning?"

She chirped, thing about Faith is she is a shifter, like me, her animal half is a happy little blue bird.

"Five espressos, two breakfast wraps, two breakfast sandwiches, one without tomatoes, and a blueberry muffin"

"Coming right up! Swipe when you are ready, would you like to donate to the children's hospital today?"

I silently shuffled around the men, keeping my eyes focused ahead of me.
The timer goes off for my scones, so I went into the kitchen to handle that.

"Corey, can our strong cutie take this order to those sharp-dressed men for me? Paul will man the register, I have to go take a few photos of old receipts for the owners"

I give a thumbs up, grabbing the hefty tray before carefully moving toward the table.
A quick two taps on the clean surface before I dish out the items along with napkins, I hug the tray and give a small smile before turning to leave.

"Working here now, That's good, I am glad you were able to get a new job so soon, I heard that the little one has been making some pocket change selling bracelets she makes to her classmates"

I turned around to see the familiar notepad, I hummed as I scribbled out a reply.

'Yes she has and you aren't the only one glad about this job, add on that it's in a safer neighborhood, and I make more, hopefully in a few months I can move us to a safer apartment'

"We would all be happy for that, some of us will be sticking around for a while, of course not in here, just to keep an eye on things"

'Keep up the work boys, if you make a regular thing out of these visits I might let you use my employee discount'

That made him and another bark out laughter, I couldn't help my smile, I think I smiled just enough to show off my dimples.

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