"Hon it has to be the brothers" Nightlight said grabbing his wife's hand.

"But-" Dreamcloud tried to protest.

"Please it's for her safety" Nightlight explained, tears forming in his eyes.

Dreamcloud looked at Crystal and sighed nodding as she looked at the brothers.

"Save her" She muttered with tears in her eyes, feeling guilty for what she had done.

The brothers nodded and John stepped forward to try to get closer.

"Come on Crystal you just have to crawl over to us it's ok" John Dory tried giving her a reassuring smile.

Crystal's eyes were full of tears it was hard to see her uncles, she tried to crawl forward but the path started to crack which startled her, making her cry louder.

John Dory thought for a moment and he turned to Floyd.

"Floyd it has to be you" John Dory said.

"Me?" Floyd asked.

"I know she'll crawl over to you, please Floyd" John Dory pleaded.

Floyd nodded and looked at his precious niece, he needed to find a way to calm her down so she could safely get over to him before the rest of the path broke, what would work? his hair wasn't long enough to reach and his weight would crush the path.

"What do I do?" He asked himself.

He tried to think back to his past there was gotta be something that would help, what would be able to calm her down so she could safely crawl back to him? He needed to come up with an idea fast.

"What would grandma do?" He tried to think and that's when he remembered.


It was raining in the troll tree, it was late and soon it was nearly time for the Brozone brothers to be heading to bed, Grandma Rosiepuff went over with Branch safely snuggling in her arms.

"Boys it's bedtime now" Grandma Rosiepuff said.

"But Grandma we still need to rehearse for our show!" John Dory said.

"But we've been rehearsing for two hours John, I wanna go to bed" Clay complained.

"Maybe we should just wait until tomorrow?" Floyd suggested.

"I agree with Floyd, we'll be able to rehearse better when we're more rested" Spruce added.

"Nothing is going to stop us from rehearsing this, we need to nail it so we can hit the perfect family harmony one day" John Dory explained.

Suddenly there was a loud sound that made all the brothers jump.


The thunder was so loud it woke up Branch as he started to sob, followed by Floyd who was also now sobbing, Clay and Spruce held each other terrified and John well he looked fine but deep down he was secretly terrified of the sound of the thunder too.

"W-why is t-the t-thunder s-so loud?" Floyd cried.

"Easy my sweet little angels come here, it's ok" Rosiepuff sat down on the couch and opened her free arm to hold her grandsons close.

They immediately went over to their grandmother snuggling with her on the couch, John Dory tried to reassure his other brothers as well rubbing their backs, Rosiepuff's main focus was easing the cries of the two youngest in the family.

"It's alright I got you, it's completely safe here in the pod" Rosiepuff said calmly.

"H-how do you know?" Clay asked.

Rosiepuff turned the lamp off next to her and smiled at her precious grandsons.

"Because I'm gonna keep you safe, right here in my arms" Rosiepuff said.

She opened her mouth and began to sing a soothing tune which helped the brothers calm down.



"I got her" Floyd smiled.

"Oh thank trollness she's ok!" Bruce said.

"You can say that again" Clay agreed.

John Dory smiled, their niece was finally safe, she was with her family once again, Crystal smiled at giggled seeing all of her uncles around her and that's when the brothers heard footsteps as Dreamcloud and Nightlight went up to them.

"We are so sorry about putting Crystal in danger, we're glad she's alright" Nightlight said.

Dreamcloud feeling the most guilty rubbed her arm, feeling ashamed of everything that happened because of her poor decisions

"I need to apologise the most, I was so caught up with trying to be the perfect mom for Crystal that it only caused her to be in more danger, I just wanted to do everything right" Dreamcloud explained.

"That's the thing though, no parent or guardian is perfect" Floyd said.

"Huh?" Dreamcloud was confused.

"Yeah I have 13 kids, taking care of children is no easy task" Bruce chuckled a little knowing how difficult looking after kids was.

"And we made our own mistakes while trying to take care of Crystal today, looking after a magical baby while trying to help her parents do their royal duties was definitely something we couldn't handle on our own" Clay added.

"Everyone makes mistakes, but if you learn from them, then things do get easier" John Dory smiled.

Dreamcloud smiled and looked down at Crystal who was happily snuggling in her uncle's arms, as much as she wished Crystal could stay, she knew in her heart what the right choice was.

"I think you are the best uncles Crystal could ever ask for" Dreamcloud said.

"Really?" John Dory looked surprised.

"You did so much to make sure she was safe again after everything we threw at you, Crystal is lucky to have uncles as amazing as you" Nightlight smiled.

The brothers all smiled, maybe they weren't so bad at this babysitting thing after all, but one question still lingered in the brothers' minds.

"How are we going to get home? We still haven't found a portal yet" Clay asked.

Dreamcloud thought for a moment and that's when she realized she knew exactly how to get the brothers and their niece home.

"Well at the castle we have a portal room, that should be able to get you back to your world" Dreamcloud explained.

"It's gonna take a while though, we can't teleport back yet" Nightlight mentioned.

"That won't be a problem, Rhonda can get us back super quick" John Dory smiled as he petted Rhonda.

They all went inside Rhonda and John Dory took the wheel as they started heading back down the mountain, making their way back to the castle so the brothers and their niece could finally go back home.

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