– Hell yeah, you guys are my family too. I'd do anything for my family. – I expressed it, and even I started to notice the slight blur between the words and my tones getting tricky.

Okay, so maybe Supes did have a higher alcohol - and everything - tolerance but it didn't mean we were immune. It just meant we had to spend more money on drinks because we needed more to feel the effect. My goal for the night was to keep my tipsiness on a level where I was able to put up with all the motherfuckers, but I never added whether I wanted to get drunk by the end of the event.

– Oh, I am so not dealing with you when you're hungover tomorrow. – Jordan announced.

– Yeah, you fucking will. We're roommates. – I smiled leaning over the table to be closer to them. – And you fucking love me, so?

– Get fucked. – he pushed me back by my shoulder and I chuckled at this.

I never really liked the words 'I love you'. They were just words, they didn't mean anything. Anyone could have said it without actually feeling like that. I don't think I ever used those words around my family. We were quite open about our feelings and sharing them with each other and stuff, but we never said 'I love you', we just kind of felt it.

But after becoming friends with these four idiots, I started to pick it up from them as they kept on saying it all the time. It was Andre's and Luke's habit at first, but soon Cate was saying it too, and slowly Jordan and I picked it up too. Although I was pretty sure it was still the original couple who used it the most.

Luke was about to say something when a figure showed up right next to the table. I saw them from the corner of my eyes and at first I thought it was just a guest passing by so I kept my focus on my friend, but when he didn't speak up but looked past me, I turned around too just to see a Korean girl standing there, with a small smile on her face. She stared at me with a kind look but didn't say anything. My friends looked at her too, then turned their attention to me to explain what was going on. I could blame it on the alcohol but I think it was because of the years that I had not recognized her immediately.

– HwaYoung? – I asked with uncertainty but when her face lit up I was sure it was her.

– Took you long enough. – she laughed.

I placed the bottle of vodka back on the table and stood up to hug her. HwaYoung also hugged me back with some giggles leaving her mouth but I was still in a shocked state. When I pulled back, I left my hands on either side of her hips and leaned back mostly with my upper body, taking in her face. Luckily, she also left her arms on my shoulders and checked me out too so it was not weird. Shit, it was so many years ago! And HwaYoung became so beautiful...

– How? When...? Why...? – I started over three times but still couldn't utter a complete sentence which made her laugh again.

– Long story. – she sighed. – But we could talk about it sometimes if you want to.

– Yeah, absolutely. How about now? – I couldn't keep my eyes off of her. – Have you been to the rooftop?

– No...?

– Well, then. – I stepped back, placing one of my arms behind my back and holding out the other for her to take. – Could I do the honor? It's really pretty out there.

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