XXIII: Do Not Go Gentle

Start from the beginning

His eyes softened at the mention of her name, he turned back to his painting uncomfortably, "I'm sure Briana prefers I leave her alone." He admitted sadly. 

"Oh please, we both know that's not true." 'Rebekah' retorted. Even Ester could see the love her son has for the werewolf girl. Even though she was a monster, seeing Niklaus so full of love in Briana's presence did warm her heart slight. 

"Pleaseeeee." Rebekah begged. 

"Okay fine." Klaus gave in, Rebekah smiled sheepishly. His heart skipped a beat at the thought of seeing Briana again. 

He knew they both said things they didn't mean last night. Klaus knows that deep down they both love each other more than they had admitted. And he knew that Briana was hurting the same being apart from him. 


 Briana walked into the Salvatore house, about to call out for Damon when he greeted her at the door with a glass of bourbon in his hand while on the phone with someone. 

Briana looked at him and the glass confused by his politeness but took it. Even though it was only noon in Mystic Falls, it was five o'clock somewhere. 

"I don't know if right now is the best time for you to be going on a spirit quest Ric." Damon spoke into the phone, answering Briana's unspoken question of who he was talking to. 

"He's doing better?" Briana questioned sipping her bourbon as Damon hung up the phone. 

"Yeah.. I don't buy it." Damon said unconvinced by the vampire hunters behavior. 

"What are you doing here anyways? Caroline didn't rope you into setting up for the dance?" Damon questioned the brunette who sat on his couch. 

"Well, it was either come over here and drink my body weight in bourbon while you fill me in on your little road trip rendezvous, or stay home and eat my body weight in ice cream overthinking every thing I did and said last night. So.... here I am." She stood with a smirk, her harms held out at her sides allowing him to take all of her in. 

"Well since you're here. Come on. We're going to Ric's apartment, I fill you in on the rendezvous on the way." Damon quipped motioning for Briana to follow him. 

"Can't we just go to a bar and drown our romantic sorrows like normal people." Briana protested as she followed Damon out of the house. 

"One problem, we aren't normal people. Get in the car." 


Briana and Damon took a trip to Alaric's apartment and found a full stash of the herbs Bonnie made for him to repress his alter ego meaning he definitely hadn't been taking them and Damon's suspicions about his off behavior were more than justified. 

"So you made out with Elena on top of an ice machine at some sketchy motel in the middle of the nowhere?" Briana asked making sure she had the details correct as Damon drove. 

"Yep that about covers it." He said sarcastically. 

"Nice!" Briana said going for a playfully high five. Damon rolled his eyes at his best friend's childish but has learned over the course of their friendship it's best just to amuse her, so he returned the high five. 

"But what about her and Stefan?" Briana questioned.

"Well wolfy you're guess is as good as mine." Damon replied, Briana rolled her eyes at the nickname. 

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