
charliebushnell imagine not being able to drive 💀

diorgoodjohn at least it's something

masonthames where was the invite

leahsavajeffries without us again?

zendaya i'm getting major deja vu

aryansimhadri bro he never lets me ride with him

leenascobell tanner wanted to take it and walker didn't let him 😭

tannerscobell tell him to bring it back right now.
also tell him to bring back a mcflurry

"i'm gonna be able to drive in a few months," walker spoke as he drove adriana with the electric scooter to mcdonalds.

"i'm gonna be passenger princess," adriana grinned as she held onto walker tighter and leaned her head on his shoulder. "what car do you want?"

as walker navigated the scooter through the streets he could feel the girl's warmth against him. her presence had always been comforting and he couldn't help but feel a flutter in his stomach. he tried to focus on the conversation but the closeness was distracting.

"i don't know a bmw or something," walker shrugged, his voice slightly hushed as he felt the gentle press of adraian's head. "malachi's car is pretty cool, might get one like that."

"i like bmws," she nodded as her eyes sparkled. she could already picture herself forcing walker to drive her absolutely everywhere. "malachi drives me to set in it, it's really fucking awesome."

"mal drove you to set?" walker questioned, no it wasn't out of jealousy, he knew that adriana and malachi were like brother and sister— they've known each other since they were very young with both of them acting in stuck in the middle.

"yeah when my parents can't." she answered, as she smiled. "when you get your car i'll be forcing you to take me to set."

"at six in the morning? no thanks." walker scoffed but he knew that if adriana ever asked him to take her absolutely anywhere that he would do it in a heartbeat.

she could ask him to drive her to the other end of the world and he'd do it.

as they approached mcdonald's, walker parked the scooter and helped adriana dismount. the warmth of her touch lingered on his arm, and he found himself reluctant to break the connection. he glanced at her, taking in her cheerful expression and the way her eyes sparkled with excitement.

"i'll go get our order," walker spoke, he had already placed an order in the app— he already knew adriana's order so he didn't even need to ask her what she wanted.

"did you get my usual?" she questioned as she leaned against a brick wall.

"large fry, 6 pack chicken nuggets and an oreo mcflurry." walker recited with a grin on his face. "i know your usual by heart."

adriana always found it cute how he remembered such small details about her— considering the fact that he has a memory of a fish but somehow he managed to remember everything about her.

"thank you walker," she laughed as walker went over to the front door, going to pick up their food.

she watched walker as he walked away from her, he had changed so much from the first time she met him, now he was taller, his curls were much more defined, his face had lost some of it's child like features and though she never admitted it to anyone he had gotten pretty good looking.

adriana sighed as she took out her phone, wanting to go on tiktok to pass time but before she could open the app a new notification from instagram caught her attention.

she frowned as she read the username, this was probably the last person she had wanted to text her.


she thought about just ignoring it, not wanting to start anything again but then her frown deepened as he sent another text message.

they hadn't really ended on a good note with dylan breaking her heart— her fist ever heartbreak. it definitely helped with her acting career because now when she had to play a character that was heartbroken she would just remember how she felt when she was 14 years old and eating a whole ice cream tub while dior, leah and momona comforted her.

but then he had to send another message.

and that was it, she couldn't help herself, she had to open them and see why he was so eager on texting her that he did it three times.

hey adri
i'm coming to la in 2 days
i miss u

stop please

stop what?
stop coming to la?
stop missing you?

stop texting me

i just want to see u

i don't

you don't wanna see me?

i have seen u
u look like shit

don't be like that
i'm coming in 2 days you can cool off until then

dylan hoffman i do not want to see you.

when i come over we're gonna talk

ha yeah right
didn't know u had a sense of humour

adri please
just talk to me

with that last message she put her phone in her pocket once again and took a deep breath, not wanting to dwell back on whatever it was that they had.

as she looked up she noticed walker approaching her with the brown bag in his hands, his face lightened. adriana always noticed how he had a smile on his face— in every single situation he had managed to find something good.

even when he had told her about him losing the chance of being kidpool because he was too tall now, he had done it with a smile on his face because even though he didn't get to do it he was still considered for the role and was their number one choice.

"are we going back to your house or somewhere else?" walker questioned as she handed the girl the bag so he could drive them back.

"my house," she forced a smile, trying to push away the conversation she just had out of her mind but her voice gave it away, it was a little strained.

walker furrowed his brows as he tried to look the girl in her eyes except she was doing anything she could to avoid his eye contact. "you alright there, sleeping beauty?"

she nodded her head, adriana knew that walker knew her too well, he would be able to sense that something was wrong the second he saw her. "yeah no i'm fine." she assured as she then sighed. "you know i really wanna watch deadpool right now."

walker tilted his head slightly, studying adriana's strained expression. he could tell something was off, but he also knew she was trying to brush it off. as much as he wanted to pry, he respected her space. leena taught him to never ever annoy a girl when she clearly isn't in the mood and also to never believe her when she says she's fine. so for now he would just do whatever she wanted and hoped that he would be able to lighten her mood up again.

but it was walker— he had that kind of golden retriever energy and his presence was enough to make the girl's day.

author's note, if you guys couldn't tell this will be a slow burn bc i love slow burns but i promise it will be worth it in the end and it'll be a he falls first but she falls harder situation

𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍𝐀𝐆𝐄 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌, 𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐜𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐥.Where stories live. Discover now