24 | chapter twenty-four

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8th Year

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8th Year

The lounging room, adorned with luxurious furnishings and the soft glow of the fire, became a sanctuary for shared stories and laughter. Draco, Y/N, and Narcissa continued to leaf through the photo album, each image revealing another facet of Draco's upbringing.

Narcissa pointed to a picture of a much younger Draco holding a tiny owl. "Ah, that's when he got his first owl, Artemis. He insisted on naming her after a constellation. Quite fitting for a Malfoy, I suppose."

Draco rolled his eyes playfully. "Artemis was a proud owl, I'll have you know. She tolerated my childhood antics with remarkable patience."

Y/N smiled, captivated by the glimpse into Draco's early years. "It's amazing to see the person you've become, Draco, especially considering your mischievous beginnings."

Narcissa chimed in, "Draco always had a sense of determination, even as a child. I knew he would grow into someone remarkable."

As they continued to share memories, the room filled with a warmth that surpassed the crackling fire. The photo album became a cherished time capsule, bridging the gap between the past and the present.

Narcissa, sensing the nostalgic air, set the album aside. "Now, enough about Draco's childhood antics. I'm curious about both of you. How did you two meet?"

Draco and Y/N exchanged glances, their expressions softening with shared affection. They began recounting their first encounter, the unlikely circumstances that brought them together, and the gradual evolution of their connection.

Narcissa listened attentively, occasionally interjecting with a knowing smile or a nod. The lounging room, now echoing with tales of past and present, became a haven where the bonds of family and love intertwined.

As the night wore on, Draco, Y/N, and Narcissa found themselves enveloped in the magic of the holiday season—the warmth of the fire, the richness of shared stories, and the joy of newfound connections. The Malfoy Manor, with its grandeur and history, became not just a home but a place where the echoes of laughter and love resonated through the corridors, creating memories that would linger long after the winter night had passed.

Narcissa, sensing the comfort and familiarity that had settled in the lounging room, decided to steer the conversation towards a topic that often came up during family gatherings.

"So," she began with a glint in her eye, "have either of you given any thought to... grandchildren?"

The question hung in the air, and a brief silence fell over the room. Draco, caught off guard, exchanged a surprised glance with Y/N. Their cheeks tinged with a shy blush, unsure how to respond to the unexpected inquiry.

8th Year || Draco MalfoyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora