I take a deep breath and tsk at him. “I don’t know about this, but you’re destroying the house.”

Just as I finished talking, something gurgled in the machine, and father went straight to touch it right before a small explosion occurred.

“Father!” Both Williams and I ran over to him.

There’s a cut in his wrist, and it’s close to his veins.

“I’ll go and get some herbs for him. Keep him safe.” I tell Williams before I get out of the house.

The cottage rests on a valley, which gives it the most beautiful view, and again, today, I am mesmerized. I watch as the sun beams into the mountains in the far distance, giving them a wonderful scenery, and the greenery that the woods provide not only causes me to awe every time but to praise nature as well.

I dive into the woods, and once I see the herbs I need, my thoughts drift me into the past.

The world has always hated witches, and that was because of the werewolves. They change the mentality of their followers, making them think that we are nothing but evil. Just because they can’t understand how our powers work doesn’t mean that we want to hurt people, but it is futile to explain.

I was ten when my mother died in the cause of protecting us when we were rooted out by one of the villagers, and father brought us here to this outskirt, far away from where anyone could come looking for us.

For another ten years, we’ve been staying here and living fine.

I grew up to be a witch, and Williams is a human just like father. And even though father never let me learn what it means to be a witch, he didn’t stop me from gaining the knowledge. Williams, too, on the other hand, never felt cheated, which made him the best brother ever.

“Oh, I’ve been here for a while.” I smack my own forehead and turn to head back to the valley, but my feet halt.

That didn’t happen with my consent. I look down to the ground and see a root tearing out of the ground to hold onto my feet.

“Strange.” I think to myself and untangle the root before I continue walking.

A few seconds later, another root stops me in my tracks.

“Is the wood trying to tell me something by stopping me?” My voice is audible, and I am talking to myself yet again.

I release a hum, my lips tugging downward as I bat my eyes around, before I finally proceed to leave.

A smile creeps up my face at the thought of what happened earlier. Maybe, alas, I can communicate with nature.

Walking up the valley, a growl pierces my ears.


Oh, no.

In a haste, I hide behind the rocks and watch as a guard drags father and my brother out of the cottage.

In my mind, a train of thoughts wheel past. My heart is thumping hard, and my eyes are brimming with tears. I have no idea what they could do to them, but if there’s one thing father has always prepared us to have in mind, it’s to always stay hidden when that day comes when he gets taken by these monstrous beasts.

Father grunts as they throw him into the mud while Williams is locked on his knees.

“Where is the witch? Where have you hidden her?” The guard asks, and my hands clutch my mouth.

Are they looking for me?

How did they know who I was when I’ve never practiced witchcraft before, except for the knowledge that I have?

“There’s none here.” Father says with a breezy voice.

One of the other guards behind the huge one comes to speak. “Sir, they are lying. Our source confirms that she lives here.”

“Where is she?” The huge guard asks again, this time low and dangerous.

His tone is menacing. I swear, my soul jumped out of me for a second.

“You will never find her, you beast.” Williams blurts out, flaring his eyes at the guard.

“So, she is alive then. Men, I’ve got a witch to find as it is. Kill these ones.” Says the huge guard, who seems to be their leader.

My mind wants me to release myself so they can live, but my body remains hooked. I don’t know what to do.

I lost it all within the blink of an eye when Williams heart got punged by a dagger out of the blue. His eyes pop out in shock at it, and his body loses its sense of control before it falls to the ground.

“No!” I couldn’t help but scream and run towards the guards. I have no idea what I can do, but I know I am angry and burning inside of me.

At the same time, father’s heart too met the same fate. They killed both of them.

My eyes bleed as I watch them fall to the ground.

“No.” My voice is little. “NO!” My voice grows, and I cast, “I command the wind to crush your lungs.”

But it didn’t work.

I am powerless.

I couldn’t save them.

My tears run free as the guards pick me by both arms before one of them hit me on the forehead, and I lost my consciousness.

Bonded To Her Triple Alphas Where stories live. Discover now