Part 1: A Day of Work

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~{Featured: Billy Loomis}~

(In this story, Billy and Stu managed to survive the first Scream movie and went into hiding. After the events of the second and third Scream movies, people forgot about the pair. They kept a low profile life and took on fake last names. Both boys are 20 years old now, the same age as the Y/N)

"Y/N, BOSS SAID TO GATHER AT TABLE 9; WE GOT A BIRTHDAY," Billy, my best friend, yelled from the now open door of the restaurant, Larry's Burgers and also, unfortunately, my place of work. The bright lights from the restaurant intruded upon the once dark alley way where I was trying to take my break. Snacking on my apple two feet away from a trash can is not ideal, but it is better and more quiet than inside the restaurant. It also doesn't have Mr. Larry, the owner of the restaurant, who would either try to get me to take my break in his office, with him being the creep that he is, or tell me to do extra work despite my break. I took a deep breath and threw my snack away in the mentioned, and now convenient, trash can. 

"Just a couple more hours, you got this," I muttered to myself as I walked toward the entrance. Billy, who was waiting and holding the door for me, sported a comforting smile in my direction as I stepped inside. I heard the loud bang of the door shutting behind me and felt a warm hand rest on my shoulder. 

"Wanna do a horror movie marathon back at my place once our shifts are over?," Billy whispered to me, his breath brushing against my ear as he did so. I would be lying to myself if I said the sudden closeness wasn't giving me butterflies. Even with my back towards him, I just know he has on his famous bratty, but at the same time hot, smirk. I pushed my feeling down and replied, 

"Yeah, sounds good to me, but if you make me watch the whole Stab series again, I'm gonna put the name into use." He took his hand off my shoulder while letting out a smile chuckle and started walking beside me as we went to the kitchen doors, where the servers usually gathered before singing and bringing desert to the table of a customer celebrating their birthday. We reached the location and joined the three other servers plus Mr. Larry. Wait. Why is Mr. Larry here, he never comes with us to sing for customers. He usually stays in his office and if he's not in his office then he is being a creep with one of the female workers, and sometimes the male workers if he had a little too much to drink. 

"Good Y/N, you're here," Mr. Larry said with a fake happy grin, the kind you would see in photos of Ted Bundy,"Now everyone put on your best smiles and these new party hats." He handed each of us a brightly colored birthday cone hat and put on one for himself. "This is so going to get tangled in my hair," I thought as I adjusted the tacky cap on my head. Mr. Larry looked at me before he moved closer. 

"Y/N, your hat is a little crooked," he said, "here I'll fix it for you." I quickly took a small step back and reached my hands up to my head.

 "Oh no, I g-" 

   Before I could finish my protest, Mr. Larry's hands were already on the hat, sitting a little close to mine than what I would like, and were repositioning the hat uncomfortably slow. His chest was near my face and I could distinctly smell the odor of cigarettes. I did my best not to gag. Once he was done, he backed away with an even bigger, ugly grin. 

"Perfect, That cap looks really good on you y'know." 

"Thanks...," I replied with an awkward silence following after, not sure how I should react. Billy noticed this and stepped in. 

"We should be getting to that table now; is the Brownie Melt ready?" 

   One of the other servers raised her hand slightly with the desert dish in her hand to indicate that she had it. Billy nodded and motioned everyone to start our walk to table 9. He took my hand in his as the group of servers, along with Mr. Larry, approached the customers' table and started singing the Happy Birthday song. The server that was holding the Brownie Melt set it on the table while we sang. Once the song was over, everyone dispersed to take care of their own tables. I started to do the same until I heard Mr. Larry's loud voice starting a conversation with the table everyone just left, spewing all kinds of nonsense topics. I turned around from where I stood, probably 5 feet away, saw Mr. Larry with his fake grin, once again, talking to the seemingly uninterested older man trying to celebrate his birthday and an elegant middle-aged woman who was sitting across from the old man sharing the same uninterested face.

I guess Mr. Larry can't take a hint, on top of being a weirdo. 

   I quickly got my phone out and shot Billy a text. I then put my phone back in my pocket and walked closer to the table, then interrupted the one-sided conversation. 

"Hey Mr. Larry, there is a car going off in the parking lot; a red Camaro," I explained, "I think someone is trying to break into it." Mr. Larry's eyes widen 

"Did you say red Camaro?" I nodded 

"That's my car!!," Mr. Larry exclaimed before rushing out the door to the parking lot. Hopefully, Billy got my text asking him to set off Mr. Larry's car alarm. I turned toward the table with the woman and old man.

 "I'm sorry about Mr. Larry," I apologized with my best attempt at a genuine smile, "I hope he didn't bother you too much."

 "Oh it's okay young lady, I needed to wait for my desert to cool down anyhow," the old man kindly replied, "And may I say your eyes are absolutely dazzling." 

Aww, this man is so precious

"Well thank you sir, y'know what goes really well with a Brownie Melt," I spoke, "Ice cream, I'll go get you one, on the house." 

"oh, that's okay miss" 

"Don't worry about it, I insist" I walked to the kitchen and set an order for a bowl of ice cream, making sure to pay for it myself. Once the dish was ready, I returned to table 9 and set the bowl in front of the old man. 

"Thank you, Miss, you're too kind to be working here as a waitress," the old man stated. 

"Well I have to pay the bills somehow," I laughed, "please enjoy the rest of your night." I departed and tended to the tables in my section until the rest of my shift was over.

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