Tomorrow finally came

Start from the beginning

He checks in alleyways and buildings just to be sure that nobody is getting missed, being thorough is slow going and he's already been out for two hours longer than he should have been. Eraser grumbles about not getting paid enough and idiotic people not having enough common sense to shelter from a record-breaking blizzard and listen to national weather warnings, those with phones or TVs have no reason to not be sheltered already, unfortunately, that's the majority of the people he's had to save. Not those who don't have access to the severe weather warnings. Eraser notices that a building is missing its shadow, a rather odd occurrence most likely a quirk of some kind so he goes over to check what's going on.

There's a red stain in the snow near the dumpster of the building, Eraser moves carefully in case it's a trap. He sees what looks like a rain tarp made out of shadows, there's a lot of red and he feels his heart sink wondering if this is going to be another unfortunate death to report. He kneels in the snow working to move it away from the person so he can judge their health, what he didn't expect is to find a child who looks pale as death and incredibly malnourished. The first thing he does is check for a pulse he finds one though it's weak and erratic. She's cold as ice so he wraps his capture scarf around her to warm her up as much as possible lifting the delicate child as if she's made of glass her legs are covered in lacerations and shaking most likely on the verge of death he's closer to the radio station than to the shelter so that's where he heads.

Carrying the kid he calls ahead to let the people at the radio station know he's bringing a child in critical condition as he runs the girl whimpers and he slows down making sure she hadn't gotten any more hurt, she hadn't luckily, what happened to this poor kid... his thoughts trail off when he sees how badly shes shivering he holds her closer giving what little heat he can. His comm goes off on his and Hizashi's private line he goes onto it. "Yeah, Zashi?" He answers with a deadpan voice only to wince at how loud the reply he gets is.

"You found a kid in critical condition?!" There's panic in his voice and an obvious question of whether anything can be done or will this kid die on them. Shota does his best to calm his husband down.

"Yes however with the proper medical care, she should be fine most of her symptoms are being exacerbated by hypothermia as far as I can tell." There's an audible sigh of relief from Hizashi and Shota glances down at the kid in his arms.

"Can you relay information to any medical people there?" Shota asks as he inspects her wounds as best he can while keeping a brisk pace, Hizashi grunts a little speaking cautiously.

"Sho... there aren't any healer pros here or even medical specialties" Luck seemed to finally decide to let them catch a break though because a woman speaks up after overhearing.

"I'm a pediatrician not much sure what you'd need but I thought I'd offer." She smiles kindly at Hizashi sipping some warm tea and he relays the information to Shota.

"Well she's a kid so I'd say a pediatrician would help just off the top of my head the kid's a girl, rather tiny, and weighs about as much as a Main coon, has a ton of cuts, and has lost a lot of blood, has hypothermia..." He ticks off everything he can think of as he walks and Hizashi writes it all down relaying the information to Dr Nightshade.

"Alright, Sho we'll have a bed ready for her when she gets here," Hizashi tells him running off to help prepare.  

He responds with a grunt showing up not long after, practically kicking in the door since there's a kid in his arms.

"Come on put her down over here," Dr Nightshade motions for Shota to set the kid down on the table they had put pillows and blankets on with a makeshift privacy curtain, that's really just a giant meeting table turned on its side. She gets to work examining the kid tsking "Her clothes are completely soaked she's not going to be warming up like this ideally I'd have a family member or fellow nurse with me for legal purposes but seeing as neither is available you two will have to do." When she goes to pull the kid's soaked clothes off they are stuck on by sweat and blood.

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