XXI: The Murder of One

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"Look I know you're getting restless but this will all be over soon. Please just stay here, for me." He spoke, his hands placed comfortingly one her shoulders. 

She sighed in defeat seeing the seriousness in his eyes, "Fine." 

His smile widened. He leaned down to kiss her goodbye. 

As they pulled apart she smiled sheepishly, "Okay now go before I change my mind." 

"I'll be back in a few hours." He replied as he made his way out of the bedroom. 

Even though Briana promised Klaus she would stay put, there wasn't a chance in hell she was going to be confined to the Mikaelson mansion all day, especially since Klaus took Rebekah with him on his mysterious errand. 

Briana called Caroline. Since she's been staying at Klaus' most nights, she hasn't spent much time with her younger sister since their father's passing. 

The phone rang and rang before going to voicemail for the 2nd time. Briana groaned lying back on Klaus' bed. She tried calling Elena. No response. And against her better judgement, she even tried calling Damon. Nothing. 

She thought it was weird that no one was responding so they were clearly up to something, she just had no idea what. Briana figured she would investigate. She decided to go by her house to see if Caroline was there, plus she needed more clothes. 


Meanwhile, Damon, Stefan, Elena, Caroline and Matt were all in the woods behind the Lockwood estate. Stefan dropped a bag full of stakes. 12 of them made from white oak. 

"We need to seize the best opportunity which means we need to prepare for every opportunity." Stefan explained meaning the group only had to kill one original to kill them all because of the linking spell. 

"Scenario number one.." Damon started, dragging Elena closer to him to act as Klaus' stand in. 

"Rebekah is our target. To do that we need to keep Klaus separate and distracted." Stefan spoke. 

Almost on queue, Damon's phone rang. He pulled it from his pocket to see Briana's name flashing across his screen. 

"Speak of the devil." He said showing the group his phone as he clicked ignore for what felt like the fourth time this morning. 

"She keeps calling me, I can't keep avoiding her!" Caroline protested in reference of her older sister. 

"After tonight we won't have to." Damon explained nonchalantly. Caroline and Elena shifted uncomfortably. As much as they both wanted Klaus out of their lives for good, they couldn't help about how much his death would hurt Briana. 

"Wherever Klaus goes Briana tends to follow. As long as we can isolate Rebekah, Briana will keep Klaus entertained. Ergo, aiding in our plan without even realizing." Damon smirked. 

Deep down he knew this was going to crush Briana, and he was fully ready to reap the repercussions and pick up the pieces. He truly believed that eliminating Klaus from all of their lives was the best thing for Briana. 

Damon continued to explain the rest of the plan for Matt to distract Rebekah while Stefan and Damon sneak attack her with the stake. 

The group ran through several different scenarios before going their separate ways ready to act on their plan, but before they left the woods Caroline couldn't help but stop Damon and express her concern for her older sister. She knew of all people, Damon deep down was dreading this because Briana was involved. 

Dusk til Dawn | n.mikaelson (book one)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon