Chapter 2

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Lady Lesso was surprised at the sight of me sat against the hallway wall, a coffee in my hand. I felt drained, exhausted, and very much not ready for the day ahead.

"Coffee" I yawned shoving the cup in her hand.

"You look like death" She commented, looking me up and down "Though I do prefer you in this than that cascade of violently bright colours, you wore yesterday"

I looked down at my trousers, knee-high boots, and black shirt. "So do I" I mumbled. This was my stereotypical outfit that I liked to wear. I know 'I'm an ever.' I am supposed to wear pinks and purples. But screw that.

"You prefer this outfit? But you are an Ever?" Lesso enquired curious.

"I'm not your normal Ever"

"Hmm... what are you then?"

"I'm a who, not a what!" I unknowingly snapped "And wouldn't you like to know".

I was stopped in my tracks, when Lady Lesso, grabbed my arms and pinned them above my head and backed me against the wall. The coffee dropped and spilled all over the floor. We were close, too close. I could feel her breath on my face and that made me all tingly. I wasn't intimidated like she obviously wanted me to be. I was feeling something else.

"Don't you ever talk back to me!" She seethed, locking her stare onto me, our bodies pushed against one another "You forget your place Y/N. You are my assistant. You do my bidding now. I am your superior and you don't ever talk back or shout at me! The next time you do, you will receive a punishment a lot worse than anything your pretty little mind could ever imagine."

My eyes widened a little at her words and I really wanted to escape her grasp, but she held me really tightly against the cold wall. I looked around me, trying to find anything or spot anyone that could help me get out of this. Her slender fingers grabbed my chin and moved my head to look at her. I gulped at the seriousness of her look. I was far too tired to deal with this right now.

"Do you understand me?" I didn't reply "Don't make me repeat myself"

"I understand, Lady Lesso," I said, my voice cracking slightly. I would normally fight back and take the repercussions of doing so but I was so hungry and exhausted that I gave in to her command.

"Good girl." She smirked, removing her hands from my body "Now run along to breakfast. I'll be there soon after I've woken the school up."

I walked away quickly, far too aware of Lady Lesso's eyes which remained focused on me, and made my way to breakfast.

When I arrived at the breakfast hall, there was barely anyone there. Not surprising as it was rather early. I grabbed a plate and filled it with food, just as I was adding eggs to my plate, I heard an excited "Y/N!" A smile quickly spread across my face as I was met with a grinning Dovey. She hugged me tightly and then stood back shocked. "What are you wearing?"

"Oh this," I said gesturing to my outfit "Lady Lesso wanted me to not stand out so much at the other school"

"I guess that makes sense, she is rather particular, but either way you look very nice"

"Thank you, Professor. You too, that dress looks stunning on you"

"You think? I was thinking it might need more sparkle. Also, please call me Clarissa. I don't teach you anymore and you are one of us now" Her entire person shone like the morning sun, and I really couldn't understand how she always kept the same amount of positive energy, regardless of the time of day.


"Yes, dear"

"Could you possibly do me a favour?"

"Of course I can. What do you need?" She seemed far too excited at the idea of helping me. I looked at the hall doorway and saw Lady Lesso watching us from afar. Time to test a theory. I moved closer to Clarissa and whispered in her ear "Can you get one of the spare beds from here moved to my room at the other school?", whilst keeping my eyes on Lesso.

"I'll have it there by the end of the school day" She beamed "It is so lovely to see you back here. We must have afternoon tea together soon"

"I think that would be a lovely thing to do. See you soon" I smiled, giving her a hug. Lady Lesso had now sat down at the Never end of the Teacher's table, but her eyes were still on me. She looked pissed off? No, that wasn't it. She looked jealous? Maybe. I chuckled to myself before taking my plate over to the table and sitting down at the only free seat. Next to her. The second I sat down; I could smell her intoxicating perfume.

"Nice catch-up?" Lady Lesso nonchalantly asked, not looking at me.

"It was great actually. Clarissa and I haven't seen each other in a while. It'll be good to reconnect with another, like we used to" I held back a chuckle when I noticed her tense up at the mention of Clarissa's first name. Something was definitely going on with Lady Lesso. I just needed to figure it out.

"So what are my duties today?" I asked, changing the obviously uncomfortable conversation.

"Today I have three classes to teach from nine am to three pm. You will attend all of them and make notes on each of the students' special talents. Once that is done, I need you to organize my students' files as they need to be sorted and put in the correct order. Also, there are a load of textbooks that need moving from the good school to ours that were put there by an idiot. Then after dinner you are to come to my office and write out any incident reports that need doing. Apart from that do what you want" She explained, like it was nothing.

"I'm not going to have any time to do what I want" I mumbled, already stressed at what she expected me to do.

"What was that?" She asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Nothing. I will get on it right away" I unenthusiastically said, pushing my plate of untouched food away. I got up and walked out of the room, despite my stomach angrily yelling at me.


Author note: It's short but oh well. They get longer.


The Assistant (Lady Lesso x Professor Dovey x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now