17 | chapter seventeen

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8th Year

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8th Year

As the class dismissed, Draco walked alongside Y/N through the Hogwarts halls. Their steps were synchronized, and the playful banter continued, though the air held a new layer of tenderness. As they reached the entrance to Y/N's common room, Draco paused.

"Well, here we are," he said, a smile playing on his lips. "I suppose I should let you go in."

Y/N chuckled, "I'll survive without you for a few hours."

Draco's eyes twinkled, and in a sudden move, he leaned in, stealing a soft yet lingering kiss on Y/N's cheek. "Until then," he whispered, his warm breath sending a shiver down Y/N's spine.

With a playful wink, Draco turned and walked away, disappearing into the dungeons that led to the Slytherin common room. Y/N touched their cheek, feeling the residual warmth of Draco's kiss, a delightful reminder of the enchanting moments they shared.

Draco entered the Slytherin common room to find his friends engrossed in a lively card game. Blaise, Lorenzo, Theo, and Mattheo were huddled together, their laughter filling the room.

Blaise looked up as Draco approached, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Ah, the love-struck prince returns! How was your day, Malfoy?"

Draco smirked, "You have no idea." He took a seat, joining the game, the events of the day still playing in his mind.

Mattheo, ever the observant one, nudged Draco, "So, spill it. What's going on with you and Y/N? We've all noticed something's changed."

Draco played it cool, though a hint of a smile lingered. "Maybe I'm just in a good mood. What's wrong with that?"

Theo raised an eyebrow, "Good mood? Malfoy, you look like you've discovered the secret to eternal happiness."

Draco's eyes flickered with amusement, "Let's just say life has its surprises." He shifted the conversation back to the card game.

As the card game progressed, Draco couldn't help but notice Theo's suspicious winning streak. With a raised eyebrow, he pointed out, "Theo, I didn't know cheating was part of your strategy."

Theo feigned innocence, "Cheating? Malfoy, you wound me. I'm just having a good day."

Blaise, not buying it, chimed in, "A good day with an extra card up your sleeve, I presume?"

An argument ensued, the atmosphere shifting from playful banter to a heated exchange. Draco, never one to back down, crossed his arms. "I won't stand for cheating, especially in my own common room."

Theo, caught in the act, sighed, producing the hidden card with a smirk. "Alright, alright. Guilty as charged. But it was getting boring losing all the time."

Mattheo laughed, "You could've just asked for tips, mate."

The tension eased as the friends shared a collective chuckle, realizing the absurdity of arguing over a card game. Draco shook his head, a grin playing on his lips. "Let's just play fair, shall we? I don't need any magical assistance to win."

Mattheo, in the midst of shuffling the cards, looked up with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "You know what this place needs? A good old-fashioned Slytherin party. Draco, you used to throw the best ones. What do you say?"

Draco raised an eyebrow, a hint of nostalgia crossing his features. "Parties? Really? I thought we were above such frivolities."

"What the fuck is frivolities?" Mattheo sincerely asked.

Blaise interjected, "Oh, come on, Malfoy. Don't act like you don't miss the glory days of your epic parties. The common room hasn't felt alive in ages."

Lorenzo added with a grin, "Plus, it's been ages since we celebrated anything. We could use a reason to let loose."

Theo, still recovering from the earlier dispute, joined in, "I could use some cheering up after being caught red-handed with that extra card."

Draco couldn't help but chuckle at the proposition. "Fine, fine. If it'll make you all happy, let's do it. But it better be a celebration worthy of Slytherin pride."

Mattheo's face lit up, "That's the spirit, Draco! We'll make it legendary."

As the discussion about the party continued, Draco felt the need for some solitude. He rose from his seat, announcing, "I'll leave the party planning to you lot. I need some peace and quiet."

Blaise protested, "Come on, Draco! You can't bail on us now. We need the host with the most."

"Hey! That rhymes." Blaise cheerfully said.

Draco smirked, "You all can handle it. I have some matters to attend to in my room."

Blaise crossed his arms, putting on a mock pout. "Matters? What, are you secretly plotting world domination in there?"

Draco chuckled, "Not quite. Just enjoying some solitude, if you must know."

The banter continued as Blaise tried to convince Draco to stay, citing the glory days of their legendary parties. However, Draco remained resolute, bidding them farewell and heading towards his room.

Blaise shouted after him, "Don't be boring, Malfoy! We'll make this party unforgettable, with or without you."

Draco winked, disappearing into the hallway. As he reached his room, the noise from the common room faded, and a sense of calm enveloped him.

Draco sank onto his bed, the softness a welcomed contrast to the lively atmosphere outside. As he leaned back, thoughts of the impending Slytherin party faded, and a familiar warmth filled his mind. Y/N's face materialized in his thoughts, a cascade of memories from the day replaying like scenes from a cherished film.

Draco, content and filled with thoughts of Y/N, closed his eyes, letting the day's events fade into the background. The gentle rhythm of his breath soon harmonized with the quiet ambiance of the Slytherin common room. As he surrendered to the embrace of sleep, dreams painted with the colors of their budding romance awaited him, promising a night of serenity and enchantment.

The flickering candlelight in his room cast a warm glow, creating a peaceful atmosphere that mirrored the calmness settling within Draco's heart.

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