"If one can mount a dragon without aid, then they can do the same with a horse." You say to him.

"Of course." He replies with a little smile before mounting his own horse next to you. You wonder if you look like a true Northern lady, riding next to Cregan Stark with furs draped over shoulders. You assume the dragon flying overhead ruins that image. People cheer as you make your way into their city and stare in awe at the Hellion, Sȳndror. You assume that a majority of them have never seen a dragon.

They are lucky to lay their eyes upon him.

When you ride through the gates, into the courtyard, a small greeting party waits for you. The maesters, the advisers, they all express how delighted they are to meet you. What surprises you the most is the girl you are introduced to.

"My sister." Cregan says.

Sister? He doesn't have a sister.

"Your sister..." You repeat as you nod your head at the woman who seems to be around your age.

"Sara Snow." He finishes and you try not to let your surprise show. Nobody expects to be formally greeted by a bastard. Cregan treats her like she's trueborn.

You wonder what prompted him to allow her to be introduced this way. Perhaps he always treats her like an equal. Perhaps you like it.

"It is a pleasure to meet my future good sister." You say sweetly because she looks a tad bit frightened.

"It is my pleasure entirely, princess." She says back with a smile.

"I am tired from my travels." You say to nobody in particular. "I would be seen to my chambers." You speak as if it's a preference but Lord Stark knows it isn't a simple request.

"Would you like to eat first?" He asks tenderly.

"My food can be brought to me."

"Of course. I have some things to tend to first but I shall check on how you're settling in later." You allow him to press a kiss to your hand before you are led away, through the castle.

"Girls, go and figure out your accommodations. I will be alright without you for a moment." You say to Safia and Rose and they scurry off as you enter your chambers with Ser, Robert where there's servants bringing things into the grand room.

"How is it still fucking freezing? We're inside." You murmur and Robert laughs. "Boy, light a fire." You say to one of the servants who puts down the chest he was holding and immediately gets started on the fire.

Even after the fire is burning in the hearth and you've worked to set things up in your space, with the help of your handmaidens once they returned, you're still cold.

"Rose, please run a bath and then you both may leave me. I want some time to myself." You say quietly as you look out the window, contemplating your new home. You barely notice when they do leave but you know you should undress soon, before the water grows cold.

You're just about to when there's a knock at the door. "Enter." You call out.

Cregan walks in. "Is the room to your liking?" He asks gently. You've never known such a formidable warrior to look so nervous. Though, he hides it well.

"It's a fine room." Is all you say.

"It's very close to my chambers. One of your chambers' doors connects to one of mine as well." You're not sure how he expects you to react to this information. "But it shan't be used without your permission." He adds.

"Hmm..." You hum in response to show you heard him. "I was just going to have a bath." You say.

He blushes at that, actually blushes. "Yes, it shall take you some time to get used to the cold so i'd imagine that would help."

He stands there for a moment too long so you shed your cloak. He clearly didn't get the hint that the conversation was over. You begin to untie the back of your dress as well. Poor Lord Stark is clearly stunned.

"You're undressing." He says dumbly.

"The water is getting cold." The water is still steaming and would burn a normal person.

As you continue to untie the gown, his eyes follow the curve of your neck, to your shoulder, and then for a moment, to the swell of your breasts before quickly flicking back to yours. You've got the man flustered like a virgin now.
"Of course, my apologies. I'll leave you to your bath." He says quickly before leaving the room as swiftly as he can.

You giggle to yourself as you drop the gown, baring yourself completely before you step into the tub, enjoying the burning warmth. You know Cregan Stark is a proper gentleman but you also catch yourself wondering how long he would've stayed if you didn't open your mouth, how many garments he would have let you remove.

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