"Come on, it's not that bad, Zela."

Erin said, as she pointed to it, and Zela scoffed and shook her head once more.

"Are we looking at the same outfit?"

Zela asked, as she went to stand beside Erin, hoping the angle would do it justice, but truthfully it didn't.

"Okay, fine, but at least wear the pants?"

Erin said, giving up, and Zela looked at the pants, and walked over to them feeling the leather and she slowly nodded her head.

"Okay, I can work with that."

She said, as Erin smiled brightly, and pulled another article of clothing out of her bag, and Zela turned around her eyes following to where Erin was holding up to gloves.

"You're kidding, right?"

She muttered, pinching the bridge of her nose, and she sighed as she grabbed the gloves and rolled her eyes.

"Fine, I'll wear the entire outfit since the gloves match the top."

She mumbled, and Erin grinned as she sat down on the bed while Zela was getting dressed, and helped her out with the pants as they were a bit hard to get up.

"Okay, and the finishing touch."

Erin said, pulling out the black cowgirl hat, and Zela's smile instantly dropped and she looked to Erin and groaned.


She whined, and Erin only placed the hat on Zela's head, making sure not to mess up her natural curls, and adjusted the hat a little before clapping her hands.


"I'm like the only person genuinely decked out in this kind of outfit."

Zela complained, as she was holding a miniature battery operated fan, cooling herself down, as Erin refused to tell her how hot wearing this outfit would have been.

"Well, you always go all out on your outfits, so why tone it back for this?"

Erin asked, and Zela rolled her eyes as she softly pushed her best friend, and soon found herself where Jackie already was.

"Has Alex gone yet?"

Zela questioned, and Jackie shook her head as she pointed to where Alex and Cole were talking and it seemed Alex was getting ready.

"He's up next."

She told her, and Zela nodded her head, as she leaned against the fence, and soon felt her hat leave her head, and she turned around to see the culprit.

"Howdy partner."

Cole said, as he smirked down at her, and Zela rolled her eyes as she snatched the hat back, and placed it back on her head.

"Nice outfit."

Cole whispered to her, and Zela softly hit his stomach as she smiled shaking her head as he went behind her and wrapped his arms around her placing his hands on the fence beside of hers, as they both watched as Alex rode out once it was his turn.

"He's doing pretty good."

Cole muttered, and Zela nodded her head, as she turned around to look up at him, and Cole looked down at her as she quickly ducked out from underneath his arm, and grabbed his wrist pulled him with her.

"Come on."

She said, smiling, and Cole chuckled as he followed after her, and Cole looked around as Erin had disappeared.

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