"I just want to take a moment, and get a little real," Poppy started, quieting the trolls down as they noticed King Peppy now standing on top of the mushroom, walking up to stand next to Poppy as Cooper watched happily, Poppy and Peppy looking at each other soft smiles.

"Poppy! She's my friend! I know her!" Biggie interrupted, shouting out happily as he began pointing at her, using his other arm to hold Mr Dinkles, looking at the Snack Pack with a wide grin, before they shushed him, making him go quiet quickly as Mr Dinkles squeaked. The camera then shifted from them to Poppy, who was looking at them with a small smile, Peppy giving them a blank look with furrowed brows, clearing his throat.

"I'd like to take a second to celebrate our king... My father." Poppy continued, giving a small smile before looking at King Peppy, bringing a hand out for him to hold as he smiled back at her.

"Who, twenty years ago, this night... Saved all of us from those dreaded-" Poppy continued, furrowing her brows slightly before she was interrupted by loud, thundering footsteps, making all the trolls gasp as they looked around, Poppy and Peppy turned to look up as the camera shifted to show the pods shaking with each footstep.

"Bergens..." King Peppy said, looking up as Cooper walked forward, every troll turning to look in the same direction before Chef's foot was shown, the camera shifts to show the Chef, who was looking at them with a triumph grin, hands on her side as they saw how messy she was, her clothes dirty and leaves sticking out of her hair.

"Did she not bother to bathe..? Aren't there any rivers nearby?" A classical troll asked, face showing disgust as they looked at the screen, making others nod in agreement as Chef rolled her eyes, twigs and leaves still sticking out of her hair.

"Gotcha." She said, looking at the three on the mushroom before the camera showed them, looking at her in shock before Cooper pooped out three chocolate, strawberry frosted cupcakes, with little cherries on top.

"... Is that... Is that normal for Pop Trolls..?" A rock troll asked, covering their mouth with a finger as they squinted their eyes at the screen, before turning their head to look at Poppy.

"No, as far as I know, Cooper's the only one who can do that," Poppy replied, looking back at the rock troll, becoming more aware of how many vastly different types of trolls are in the room with them.

The camera switched to show Chef, now changing from her smug look to a look of disgust, camera switching to show Poppy, who was wide-eyed and slightly fiddling with her hands, before she took a glance at the cupcakes, picking them up quickly and going back to her place, lifting her arms slightly.

"Cupcake?" She offered, still looking at the Bergen with wide eyes, though this time with an unhinged smile, the camera then showed Chef smiling again evilly, opening up her fanny pack which made Poppy drop the cupcakes, dropping her unhinged smile and instead looking at the Bergen with a blank face.

"... Do you guys eat his cupcakes..?" The same rock troll asked, now looking a little disgusted as they turned to look at Poppy again, others turning with them.

"Listen I don't want to talk about this right now." She said, looking at the screen with a blank face, interlocking her fingers in front of her as she crossed her legs.

"RUN!" Poppy shouted out, making all the trolls clammer to find a hiding spot, running away as Chef glanced around quickly, picking up Guy Diamond, making him shout out to Poppy for help, making her step forward a little and reach her hand out, before Biggie came into frame, looking around for Mr Dinkles, catching the attention of Chef, Biggie running around as it was revealed that Mr Dinkles was stuck on his vest.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04 ⏰

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