Voldemort Stalks

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We soon come to the scene where Harry and Arthur Weasley go to the ministry for the hearing from the film

The Hearing 

But after it was all over we have a new scene where Lucius Malfoy goes to.....The Riddle House only it didn't look so abandoned anymore since the last year but more haunted 

The Riddle House only it didn't look so abandoned anymore since the last year but more haunted 

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Lucius causally approaches the front door nervous scared but knocks

And who happen to answer......was Wormtail which funny we never saw him in the film 

Wormtail: Yes?

Lucius: It's me you rat

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Lucius: It's me you rat. Now let me in. I need to talk to him. 

Wormtail: But he

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Wormtail: But he.....doesn't want to be disturbed. 

Lucius: It's about the boy. 

Wormtail widen his expression and inside the Dark Lord himself was reading the same paper they showed Harry last night

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