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*possible discussion or traumatic events such as sexual abuse and scars*

I've always been fond of bath tubs. They're the perfect place to relax, even with no water and fully clothed. I often find myself sitting in a bath tub, it is the perfect place to read, think, hide...
Perhaps it's because that's where I was found by the shadow hunters. At only six years old I was found in the house of awful mundane men, hiding in a bath tub. Men always scared me after that. Empathies on 'men' not boys. Of course there are few men that have proven to be harmless. Like Will Herondale, Gideon Lightwood, Gabriel Lightwood, Henry Fairchild, and of course Jem Carstairs that is properly known as brother Zachariah.
Most of the reason I've began to trust these men is because I trust their idiotic sons. It just so happens that Henry's son was barging into my bathroom right this very minute.
Matthew Fairchild flung the door open to my bathroom with his charming smile in full effect.
"MATTHEW! what if I had actually been bathing?!" I shout at the blonde as I climb from the bath tub with my copy of 'The Importance of Being Earnest.'
"I suppose I would have gotten a show" he replies grinning.
I roll my eyes at him.
"What do you want Math?" I ask as I think back to him rushing in for no apparent reason.
He runs his hands through his crown of golden hair and then grabs his heart dramatically as if my words stabbed him.
" Amica mea your words wound me, do you not enjoy my company?" He pouts while waiting for my response.
"People seeking company usually knock before entering someone's private space, especially if a gentleman is seeking a lady's company." I recoiled slightly at my own words. I'm not what most men would consider a lady.
"What if they are seeking company with a close lady friend?" He asked curiously
"It is still polite to knock." I smirked, almost guessing what his reply would be.
"Well as you know, most people do not think of me to be polite and I do not care." He smiles widely, I knew he was going to say something like that.
He glanced down at my outfit, his eyes narrowed slightly.
"Are you copying me?" He said smirking playfully.
"What?" I ask glancing down at myself.
"I purchased a waistcoat identical to that one a few weeks ago, I've been saving it for a special occasion but now that you have worn it on a regular day it seems less grand. Did you break into my closet to get inspiration? I know my mother and father love you so you would have no trouble getting in." Wish each accusation he becomes more dramatic, waving his hands around.
"Why yes Matthew, in the middle of the night I climbed the roof of your home with the help of Oscar and stole all your outfit ideas" I say sarcastically through a smirk.
He grabbed his heart again before looking my outfit up and down.
"I suppose you do look better in it then me amica mea." He flashed his charming smile at me and my knees almost gave out.
What's wrong with me?
"What is your reason for stopping by Math? Not that I am not overjoyed to be graced by your presence" I smile at him
"I am pleased to have someone that understands how truly great I am." He says standing tall.
"Though that is not why I stopped by, it seems James has requested we meet at the tavern"
"Any idea why?" I ask suddenly worried.
"Not a clue." Math said smiling brightly and offering me his arm.
I smile before taking it. I wish I could feel more like a lady when a boy escorts me somewhere, but wearing men's fashion I feel like a fraud. Anna is comfortable in her own skin, but I am not like Anna. I do not dress this way because I wish to, I dress this way because I feel the unwanted peering eyes of the men that hurt me every time I wear a dress.
I will never get to experience the carefreeness that the other girls will, they haven't been through what I have.
"Clarice?" Matthew's voice breaks me from my thoughts.
We had been walking down the corridor of the institute and I had become lost in thought.
"Hm?" I hummed looking up at him
He smiled softly before repeating what he must've said earlier.
"I said you look beautiful today amica mea"
He smirked at me and I rolled my eyes.
"What does that mean? Amica mea?"
He smirked but didn't answer. I slapped him on the arm playfully.
"Is it rude?" I questioned him
"Think what you want amica mea" he smirked.
He used to call me something similar back when we went to the academy, he just recently started calling me amica mea. He used to call me Velox, I never figured out what it meant but I did find out it was Latin.
We reached the doors of the institute and continued on outside. It was cold, as it almost always is in London.
"The demon we killed last night ruined one of my waistcoats" he scoffed
"It did you a favor Math" I laughed
He made a face, offended at my comment, and dropped my arm briskly walking away from me dramatically. The sudden absence of his warmth made me shiver, I laughed and ran after him.
"Math! Math! MATH! MATTHEW! MATTHEW FAIRCHILD! It is rude to leave a lady to escort herself, especially in the cold!"
I finally reach him, by the angel he's fast.
I tackle him laughing, he stumbles a little before turning around and smiling, then laughing as well.
I loved when he laughed, it was a golden sound that made my heart dance. When he smiled I felt like I would simply pass away from my success of making him happy. It was what I lived for, making him happy, the angel knows I would have died long ago without him, but when I looks into his eyes, his beautiful green eyes, I feel like I
failed from the sadness that lingers there always.

We continued on until they made it to the devils tavern. The familiar smell and atmosphere made me feel at ease. As we went up the stairs I heard chatter from the room above the tavern. My hand reached the door knob but before I could open it Math rushed in front of me and opened it for me.
"After you amica mea" he smiled looking pleased with his gentlemanly behavior.
I smiled at him as I entered the room and saw James, Thomas, and Kit.
"It's about time you two arrived" James said looking between Matthew and I smirking slightly.
"Apologies, I was not aware this was James Herondale's fan base" I joke, Matthew laughs and I smile to myself.
"Though I must say on a serious note I was not aware you requested my presence until Matthew arrived to escort me."
James glanced at Matthew, furrowing his eyebrows before smirking again.
"That is odd considering I did not tell Math to escort you himself I sent a runner to both of you requesting your presence. It seems Math opened both notes." James remarked.
"What kind of friend would I be if I left Clarice to walk in this weather alone?" Matthew offered as an explanation.
Friend. We're just friends.
I masked my disappointment quickly before patting Math on the shoulder
"Ever the gentlemen."
Math smiles at me. A real smile. I almost die.

  "In a world of boys he's a gentleman"

OKAY! First chapter done and I'm like so afraid tbh. Tell me what you think but please don't be rude 😭
Also I hope my google translate didn't do me dirty 😭

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