If the world would end tomorrow?

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 "What would you do if you knew that the world would end tomorrow?" Girl with puple-pink hair asked.

The recently published book amazed many, so Harith was not surprised by such a question. He was more surprised that he had nothing to answer. He looked a little lost at Lylia and the guys who were also waiting for his answer.

"I don't know." He answered honestly. "I did not plan the end of the world in the near future."

"No one is planning this, fool. I would eat as many sweets as I have never eaten." Joy drawled dreamily, as if the end of the world didn't scare her at all. 

"Yes, it sounds great." Nana agreed.

"I would have killed Gusion. He definetely messing with my sister." Harley smiled bloodthirstily.

Suddenly Cyclops laughed and before Harley could take it personally he said: "You know, before I heard your wishes, I was thinking of declaring my love. But now I really want to see how the girls will try to eat all the sweets they find and in the background Harley will try to kill Gusion.

"That sounds fun." Diggy agreed.

"Oooh, so the Cyclops likes someone?" Lylia drawled in a mocking tone. The named guy rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest.

"I bet it's you, Lylia." Now they both blushed. Harith has always been attentive to people. That's why many people found it creepy to communicate with him, he knows more about you than you do. Harley was very often furious when Harith pointed out how he sometimes contradicted himself.

"You know, at least we have a plan. You answered a dumb "I don't know." Hah, what else could I expect from you?" Harley quipped.

"Unlike you, I do not set out to exalt my own person above everyone else." 

Leonin frowned for a moment, thinking about the question. Everyone was waiting for a better answer from him, but he didn't have one. If tomorrow will be the end of the world...

"I probably would have reconciled with my mother. Or we would have quarreled even more. I don't know how it will go."

"Did you have a fight with your mom?" Joy was genuinely surprised. "But when? The last time she almost cried was when we left the village."

"We didn't really have a fight... " Harith sighed resignedly. "I'm just lying to her. I'm lying to Dad too. And she understands that, that's why she cried. She thinks I feel bad here. It's not like that, but I can't convince her that it's okay. She has this creepy ability to look into my soul."

"You have it hereditary." Harley has squeaked as he received a slap on the head from Lylia.
"Something like that..." Ignoring Harley, he continued. " I would go to my parents. I have a normal talk with my mother, I would have gotten in the face from dad, and then the world would end."

"For what?" they asked clueless.

Harith smiled awkwardly until it dawned on them. Harith had already admitted that he liked a guy. Obviously, his father won't  like that.


Harith is sitting on the balcony swinging his legs and his head is thrown back up. It's a little creepy when you remember that he returned from his father's funeral.

"Oh" He turned around "Hi, Harley." Harith smiled gently.

"Hi." Harley smiled faintly. "How are you"

"i'm fine." Harith is creepy, he is very observant, he can easily understand when something is wrong with a person, but you will never guess it from him. Now he even looks a little dreamy.

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