Chapter 6 - Time with Peng

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"Allie is the epitome of hope; in my eyes." He said as he rummaged through his jacket pocket to reveal a lolliepop; engulfing it instantly.

"I may not make it obvious or show her how much I truly care about her; but this world is filled with filth that needs be cleansed." He said as he tried to control his breathing, almost as if he was holding back strong resentment.

"I see the way some guys stare at Allie, especially when I'm not there or when my presence is not known. I'm also aware of the extreme lengths some of my adversaries will go to try to harm me through psychological warfare and that's through her." He explained, removing the sugary sweet from his mouth.

"Being involved with the O.G crews forces you to take all precautions to look after the ones that you hold dear to your heart; as nothing is permanent and loyalty becomes vague- almost short of a fairytale when you get older. If I knew you ditched her to help Luca that night I would've dropped everything I was doing just to pick her up." I looked away, feeling slightly defeated as I felt as though I had failed Peng Ha, the kid I looked up too and the kid who so happened to be my leader.

"It's fine. You can relax." He grinned, before stiffening his body up.

"I had someone keep a watchful eye on Allie, someone I knew who had everything to lose." He said, trying not to sound menacing- although there was a hint of deviousness in his voice. I raised an eyebrow, causing Peng Ha to continue.

"It wasn't my proudest moment, but I used his girl as leverage in order to achieve the result I wanted." He said as he bit into his lolliepop, indicating he was finished with it. The way Peng had explained his mischievous scheme made me feel like he was one not to be trusted.

"Two wrongs don't make a right." I began, clearly disappointed.

"Everything you're saying is giving off red flags. What if the only bad guy that exists in this scene is you? You're probably under heavy assumption that the world is out to get you simply because you're still guilty of the things you've done in the past. You're engaging in activity you know goes beyond moral integrity; yet you do it anyway. Do you not feel any remorse for the people affected?" I looked up at Peng who for a split second, began glowing red with evil intentions.

"Let me ask you something, Jacky." He said as he played with the lolliepop stick in his mouth.

"Would you die for the love of your life?" I paused briefly before opening my mouth, Peng beating me to it by interrupted me.

"Your hesitation tells me you're not ready for this conversation." He concluded.

"No, I am, and I would." I said quickly. Peng looked somewhat amused.

"Okay 'Bruno Mars'. You're willing to lay your life for her? No problem- such a basic answer. Do you know what separates boys from men?" I shook my head in dismay.

"It's the ability to make decisions that no man dares to make; for fear of being judged due to the nature of the situation or in your case- simply because it doesn't align with your 'morals'." He began.

"How far are you willing to go to grant your partner the ability to walk the streets safely knowing the burden she has is being affiliated with your name? If Allie's life was in jeopardy, are you capable enough to end the life of the person threatening her sense of security?" I paused again before answering.

"I'm sure there are other ways to protect Allie without having to resort to murder." Peng shook his head, laughing.

"You will never be a leader simply because you lack the courage to test the confounds of your ethical beliefs." He exclaimed, his eyes pulsating red as if such information he held had been resurfaced from the depths of his corrupted soul.

Book 1: Guns, Love, RosesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin